need professional help!


I just installed rtcw again but it doesnt seem to work, I get a grey screen and when i press altf4 the following error pops up:

recursive error: bad UI system trap: 97

I installed RTCW, 1.33, 1.44, 1.44b, OSP and GOTY mappack in that order


vista home premium
toshiba laptop with 2x 1.60GHz at 1024mb
lame onboard vid card

pls halp :{{

vista home premium
Im pro but cant help you gL.
dunno but it might be vista :x
might be but i know for a fact that you can play rtcw under vista :P done it before, on this very laptop even
hmm even google fails =\

edit: not for perfo as it seems
there is no rtcw 1.44, you mean 1.40/1.41. Google got me this:

here's what fixed it for me: after uninstalling via control panel (which does seem to remove the registry entries), go in to program files, you'll see a bunch of files that didn't get deleted during uninstall. remove them, or move them somewhere else. then reinstall.

this means you probably won't get your save games back, or your key assignments, but at least the game will work. that is, it does for me.

maybe you can find a way to move some of those files back to restore your saved games. i have finished the single player game, so i didn't bother trying to keep or restore my saves."
ye 1.41 (and b)

already started to reinstall maybe it'll work, thanks
erm i dnt use 1.41b, dunno if ur supposed to
you dont? always thought u were dodgy!!
try deleting the autoexec.
update gfx drivers.

dunno after that. Maybe 1.41 should come after GOTY mappack
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