Sample The Movie 2 - Trailer

IF u have missed this wonderful piece of art u can get it from here:

tami is verry skillerer moviemakerer and high pcw palyman (masculine_mans member)

short history of tami/sample : he started paly in 2.55 bout 3 years ago. he first only trickjump but then he aimpalyer become . he verry good become when he joined clan identical (godlike aimpalyer) but zeku often tk him with rnade made him leave =/ nowdays he plays for masculine_mans ( cheaterer clan) and wins manny high pcw match =) his christmas yawn is coz he put wh effect to movie and then go cybergames and b000m pb kick :'(.

This trailerer has epic frags and amazing effects. It is also verry good looking (like tammi himself)!! i think this is bestest trailer ever and all other trailers sucks.

ALL WNB MOVIEMAKERERS READ THIS: this is what real trailer should be not some fooking minimovie with comming in 2008 in the end :/!!

pics of tamiiii aka sample:

tamiiii aka sample singing:
<insert thanks for the info jesus here>
not that great.
:D:D:D great job pipsa, we need more news about tamiiii the great
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