HB Lukey !!! <3

My english skill = my ET skill, so...

Wszystkiego najlepszego Poland Lukey !!! najma pijanego, fuzjego obranego, KOT3CKA wiecej mowiacego, hitsa niewhinujacego, no i chaty Rejwenowej przed lanem ! :*
Wszystkiego najlepszego Poland Lukey !!! :DDDD
intesting. Great polish skils
np for me xD
hb polak lagger :P
Happy Birthday, you old bastard! :D
doesn't hasn't !
happy hanuka jew...
HB mate!
low pings and many headshots!
HB Lukey ;)

btw. nie whinuj na mnie ;]
Because you're playing like zeh hacked riflenat0r!
19 and still virgin, but hb jew :D
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