PBs conspiracy theory

So I am playing an ET 3o3 @ 3 o'clock in the night. Not that special so far. Suddenly my mate is kicked for a multihack. I was kinda shocked cauz he is a pretty good player and i never saw him play offline. I didnt want to believe it and I remembered all the weird "Busts" the last days even though PBs ET-support is dead as far as we all know. Right away one of the opponents was kicked too. That was the moment I really couldnt believe it anymore. The story ends with me beeing kicked for the same hack (without IRC open or anyhting but with an "eth32"-anything in ET chat by opponents). I did not really follow this becauz there is better stuff to do in vacations than xfire, but as far as i can see there is an exploit going on that busts ppl for nothing. I dont want to complain about that cauz alot of ppl already did i guess.

What I think is that PB is beeing paied to ruin ET. It is not the lousy nC-admins. WHy should they have an interest to ruin and old game? I say that QW sux that bad that ET simply NEEDS TO DIE!


PS: Do you think all this crap is gonna be fixxed somehow or will everyone beeing unlucky enough to receive such a "fake ban" these days be penetrated by the red yawn? I mean "U got a new/red/weird yawn. U must be haxxing cauz u killed me once, bb *kick*"
lold at this idea, sounds so funny that it could be almost true xd
you are not beeing serius about this, are you?
Well if i'd try to push this really far you are just part of the plot. Spamming around this picture like "UHHH look @ me, I am so up to date with nC" just caused to last 18 ruined ET-guids within half an hour. good job u jerk!
coole antwort, echt daumen hoch! ganz schön smart für deine 20!
warste schon immer. VP die geistigen Überflieger.
ein ruf eilt mir vorraus. Dich kenne ich leider nicht
das ist nicht weiter schlimm. Ein ruf zu verlieren ist schlimmer als einen zu gewinnen. ausserdem schiess ich lieber meinen gegnern aufm server in den kopp als mich mit irgendeinem namen assoziieren zu lassen :>
jedem das seine
Quoteyou are not beeing serius about this, are you?

If I remember right, it was you that came up with the conspiracy theory.
well but i did not intent to publish the string whereever i can. Its kinda dumb to make the problem even worse, isnt it?
i guess PB will upgrade something when nC will do massive attacks to game like CoD4 where there are keys with money..
Also because none will ask to PB an anticheat protection if it works like that...
Yeah for CoD4 or whatever. But will all these "false entries" in the PBdatabase be deleted? Yawn is everything these days. If an opponent sees a red yawn he kicks right away. I would do the same!
u might be hell of an awesome player- but dont u think it is a little fuck up to support NC in their intrests by playing the dickhead here?
i remember when u were blaming ur younger brother for that ;)
mti myself

mti = name i think - dunno sounds crappy :D
jap crappy as hell ;)
i rly dont think so. I mean look @ the picture above. That does not make any sense @all. Why sould nC be interested in teaching PB a lesson in ET? Why not in a game they care about and they do actually support anymore?
Nice theory :)

Do you have any ideas what happened to Jimmy Hoffa?

uhmmm, gn!
Well everyone is free to make up his mind. I simply dont trust this anymore. With every avaliable force trying to call ET dead and pushing people to move on to new games....
I mean Crossfire once was the ET-community page. Now its all about !!!trying!!! to promote CoD4 and QW and chaning the CDCs the way the were just to make more out of it. They are trying to kill ET.
nc guys are mostly ET players (at least the key characters)
So if all this is really just a nC-thing PBs reaction would have to be to (first of all fix this crap) undo all of these false bans to show nC who has the longer e-peniz afterall. If this does not happen I want to see some1 convincing me of PB not beeing involved in this.
To this point i can only say: nice times in ET but most prolly i will be banned for a red yawn by all my next opponents.
pb already removed the gamehack red triangles and they will remove this as well, don't worry dude
I just really dont hope all the years of playing clean and keeping the ame yawn will just be ruined now ;o)
pb are really working on this thing atm... there might appear still some more of these strings that cause the kicks, but surely they will all get corrected.. if not otherwise, then nC themselves are going to proove them to pb.... so really there's nothing to worry about :)
You know how ingnorant ET players can be. A red yawn is a red yawn and a perfect reason for an ego-kick. Lets just hope this will deleted and fixxed.
wll its junda kina "mti myself". That is "mti", my nick and "myself" cauz i had to register on crossfire for about 100000 times so all of my normal nicks were already used :o)
cool hmm? but the benefit is that no1 bothers me with my crappy ingame behaviour!
nice read, sounds logical

image: 577px-Pedobear_17
i want wunderbar :(
hehe. how can a xfire-spammer be annoying ingame? Are you sure u behave differently ingame? :D
sounds logical
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