
AKA The Best JapanJapanese Player from STMOVIE3 movie has registered on Crossfire


For those who want&asked you can also download his cfg from his profile!
lal care he isnt that good. everyone can make multikills against low+ unknown japanese clans

edit: he's not the best japanese player?!
Quote by riCo we all know Fang is the best jp player
hahaha ye funny not? i own u any time lowbird
hi and welcome to our community, may this signal the start of a new era of reunitement between the japanese and european et community
i liked his movie, eventhough i dodnt know the clans he played against :D but he seems to be a very strong player, i would like to know how he would perform against the european top players.
with 300 ping he would lag them all down :D
yeh i guess so :D he would even pwn the polaks easily.
more Japan Steve journal plz :DDDDd
you say more like there were a lot, only the 2nd and maybe the last, but who knows :}
How's going the process of unbanning Dezire?
dunno, im pretty busy with that #70476 shizzle =D

will work on that later, cheers!
gL, btw where are the giftube.com girls@your profile they were hot!
need 2 upload them somewherelse, comming soon :}

edit: 2bad you already have the best gif on urs :<
anyway your profile pwns imo <3

2nd that's also true!

I'm ²lazy to pimp my profile with moar gifs and download links for the fully videos :{
will do after my 1 journal/12 hours period expires... :DD
now we can be sure my journal will not be the last about Steve :{
Pfffft overrated we need more Korea, Republic of ReMinD journals
Quoteimage: cup_gold Being the only one Korean ET Player

how can that be? :D in laik one of the biggest e-countires in the wolrdz? :\
only one decent player i mean.

korean community is even smaller than japanese one(maybe the smallest community in ET), old players are quited all, the rest are pubwhores. :P they dont even know what clanwar is.

and, most of Korean gamers dont know what ET is. :XD
what about the Chinese?
i guess Chinese are hacker + pub only
never heard of any Chinese ET team.
I always thought to myself that Asians were born to play WoW and RPG games only, that makes sense to me now since you say that Asian ET Community is very small let's say 200+ mAx,

interesting to know what's going on Counter-Strike how big is the community there! ;x'
i want his babies
asian community <3
to bad the dl speed is so slow :< i dont want to wait 20 mins :<
I must admit, I tested his config last night - Remandoo is still my hero though ;-D
btw where I can find Iron's?
Not sure, try www.iron.pp.fi or ask him yourself :-D
nah, Only etclips/shoutcasts/stats, thx I'll pm him

btw, have you any et players configs except your own ofc?
Only Steve's ;-D
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