#20th Comic

#20 - The Sandbox

This is my point of view about the PB-scandal, hope admins won't delete this journal, as they did to one of my posts earlier...

Crossfire Department
#crossfiredepartment.tk @ Quakenet
xD n1 done
I admire the effort, but so far I haven't found any of them to be funny.
that surprises me ..
you got to admit 16 is fucking funny :D
nice edit, and I can't judge to see if 16 is funny cuz it's down atm.
so why did you said it was not funny earlier? make up more stupid excuses
"did you said" <- AWESOME

Do you think I have them all in memory or something? That you say #16 and I go OH YAH!! The one with the flame!! MWUAHAHAH!~!!!11111123onetwothree or something?

And that one as well was not that funny.
Some find them funny, some don't. That's the way it goes, i can't please all of you...

And this comic is not trying to be superfunny, i'm only sharing my image of nC with you...
Well your a 35 year old man =)
oh I forgot. Sense of humor follows my hair and goes down the shower-drain with age. Stupid me!
Well, fact you haning around in a community of average age of 16~.
your point?
Just think about it, im off now lets see tomorrow if you come up with anything.
nothing to think about for me. I enjoy gaming, age doesn't change that.
And i respect that, but i got my opinons that i stick to myself. =)
u fail once again.
Not as funny as some of your earlier ones! Keep up the effort though ;)
I can only agree with this one, to prove my point:

image: yay

Maturity at it's peak. what do they think they can achieve with that?

(yes this happened just minutes ago.)
I dont play actively anymore so care if I get a cb ban for it.
epic! I just love the Noir style :D
I seriously have no clue why you think it's external crosshair.
this one is rly good :D
nice one =DD
hahahahhaa :D :D :D
yeah, people play with 854x529 resolution

(i think decem plays with rmode8)
rly naiz!
hahaha, I liked this one :D
even if it was an external crosshair.. what would be the use of having it down there :) ?
hah, sounds like u have tried one !
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