blank etpro guids.

just finished checking my yawn, saw a few blank etpro guids.
dunno shit about yawn and shizzle, but cant be something normal (or is it?:$)
would like an explenation if possible:)

EDIT: got kicked for (same as 100rds of other) gamehack 80332.
do i need to post my here or smthng?

EDIT: gamehack 80332 doesnt give you red triangles;o?
whats all the fuzz about then:x?
its because someone yawned only your pb guid ;)
meaning yawn?
i absolutely know nothing about things like this
you can yawn ingame via a progam and in that program you can select weather to yawn the etpro guid, the pb guid or both. and if somone only yawns the pb guid the program doesnt request the etpro guid and because of that its not on
kinda logical, thanks for your explanation!
np buddy ;)
better a blank than a red triangle :p
nice surname u got :)
haha, same goes for you! :)

EDIT: my surname is Fial, if think you missunderstood the word "surname"
i got blank etpro guids when i didnt have any motherboard drivers installed
blank etpro guids --> not on etpro servers, like etmain etc.
thanks for all of your help guys!
better than a red triangle ;p
People that can't understand how a ban system works > * :-)
EDIT: got kicked for (same as 100rds of other) gamehack 80332.
do i need to post my here or smthng?

EDIT: gamehack 80332 doesnt give you red triangles;o?
whats all the fuzz about then:x?
-> YAWn and MBL/MBI syncronizations are done once every ... year.
And so, red YAWns are updated and added every year.
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