RTCW cup players....

if ur wanting to play the rtcw and u feel a bit rusty come here: (1.4) and warm up abit ;)
install rtcw brb!
i have no rtcw keyyyyyyy
gimme ur key and I join
no thx :|
1.4? latest patch?
k thx, downloadin' :o
î need a ftp with all maps :(
did some1 hv a link were u can dl the setup.exe (678mb)? ive got only zeh cracked 1.0 ver n now i hv to patch up manually :/
Can you play RTCW without key ?
excellent, I'll come on later maybe...
and I can't believe u twats are wanting to crack this game, buy it ffs, only costs a few notes these days.
, im just in need of the setup.exe to autopatch retrocastle up tho 1.4 , otherwise i hv to do it manually ..

so if any buddy outhere hv a link plx ,
the only place I found it where u can still buy it it was 30 €
try looking around.
a friend of me wants to buy it but cant find it in any store and dont likes ebay
i here you can get an RTCW key for a bargain at Steam *COUGH*
rTg <3

can someone buy me a 48connection ping? :<
ok i have only a crap 98one here avi :(
so after many, many alterations to my cfg (for 1.0), and after many many kicks for lame cvars I'm actually on that server....

Players...me only..:(
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