et-ace 1337

whats up with et-ace?:c we need new anti-cheat stuff coz PB is dead:(
Quote whats up with et-ace?

et-ace is somewhere outside but i can call him later if youw want to
fuck u :c
with et-ace?
well since you are so close to et-ace you can try to manage something
he only need him to... you know... ;d
ah i know et-ace is just one of those sluts dreaming of a weeding
rofl et-ace is gaaay xD
we need a programm which:
the programm will start.
after that u can start ET via the programm (the programm will check the md5hash of the ET.exe so u cant start smth else with it). then everything will be saved in logs. this logs will be crypted and uploaded somewhere. the art of crypting could be changed weekly with an update so nC can´t crack it that easy (or the pw of that crypted file).

Thats tbh the only solution which would work.. in my opinion.
u can hook in a hack WHILE ET runs.. u have to do it at start up -> doesn´t work cause the programm knows the md5hash of ET.exe and if its wrong it won´t start.

screenshots are bullshit.. it doesn´t matter which AC tool... they can everytime crack it.

i dont have any clue how u should bypass this programm. and as far as i know.. it should be impoosible.. only if u crack the programms code.. or the log-crypted pw.. but that could be changed every week with an update or smth.
that still wouldnt work because you can inject the dll right?
the logs could still be faked. at some point they have to be encrypted, and right before that happens they are still vulnerable
the admins decrypt it.. so they will be send to the admin and he decrypt it.. or smth like that.. nah it won´t do anyone anyway :)
md5 hashes can be faked aswell
md5 hashes? ... not rly.. never saw any tool or smth to fake the md5 hash of an programm ? :o

hmm anyway.. just an idea.. it would anyway nobody do.
google for "rainbow tables"
rainbow tables are big word list to crack pw´s which are crypted as md5 hashes.

if u chosoe a pw like "gntaeb&(!(!/151gt/" you can be sure that u need around some months/years ti crack that pw (even with some terrabytes of rainbow tables".. and i uchange this pw everyweek with an update.. then its nearly uncrackable ?
well... you are right,
but md5 hashes are definitely fakeable. Just let the md5 tool have the right hash and then insert your own code anyway :P
to fake that md5 hash u need to bypass the programm.. so u tell the programm smth wrong.. and to do that u need to decrypt the programm code.. which is also crypted with some pw / md5ash :P

there is no way to edit a file and change the md5hash to the old one.
like u say: instatt of ET.exe he starts the hack.exe.. or u pack the et.exe together with the hack.exe.. in both ways the md5hash is changed and u can´t fake that.. as far i know

but i´m pretty sure that tis is true ;)
:o rly nice.. hmm then there has to be a other solution..

but everything.. like pb,aequitas,vac,... it doesn´t matter at all. they all ar egetting to easy cracked..
Maybe its better to have smth which doesn´t dedect they hack itself.. maybe smth wich doesnt make screens (cause they cna be blocked anyway too easy).. maybe smth which just dont let u start a hack.. and logs everything so if u are STILL possible to start it , it is dedected. It doesn´t matter then if its a private uber undedectable hack.. since u can´t start it .. and if.. it will be logged.
but dont know if its possible... since the md5hashed can be faked :o
just set up a camera behind your pc and film your ET startup ffs
what for? according to huge majority of this community, netcoders have done a great job. so now live with it and enjoy playing.. that is if you don't get kicked the moment they find out another new string
some people support this very action of nc because it shows that pb has huge flaws. it doesn't mean they want a game without any anti-cheat system, it just means people want a BETTER anti-cheat system (and i guess people hope that etace will be the messiah).
i understand that but there are also some other things which i wrote 2 times already and journal/column with it got deleted, so cba to write it again.. it's more about community accepting netcoders than this particular action from them (although this action is of huge importance, too)

wait.. i expected a delete, so i took a screenshot of my post: - CLICK -

until other etace devs come back, i've decided to implement my anticheat into a clean etpub (no competition tweakings like in etace) and release it for public servers.. just to see how good it is
is there any online server to test your mod? or can we download it from anywhere?
no, you can't because it is not finished yet and won't be for some time..

i've decided to do it just a few days ago.. but it will not take too long because most of the stuff i've already done for etace and have some other ideas in my mind.. so mostly the time needed to finish it will be just implementation of already done code (plus, of course, some additions/changes)

p.s. if you didn't get my point yet, i don't wanna help competition scene in its current state, but since i really want to create an anticheat, i've decided to help public servers
yup i understand your point of view.
anyway i'm not interested in competition anymore (at least for ET). however i can't wait to see if this mod could be a good alternative to pb ;)
btw would it replace completely pb or would it be complementary?
in start complementary because there are some things i have not digged into too much yet (opengl hacks)

regarding clienthooks (most popular cheat types these days), my anticheat will do more than pb does
Good luck with it fft.
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