Finally, i would like to buy a new pc and i have ~ 800 € for it. Please post your best idea what would you buy for this money.

what i want :

- cpu
- grafic card
- motherboard
- soundcard

other shit little things are not that important to post, but ofc i wont say any bad word if you will do it :)


and good morning !

ask krosan

i mean for real he is the best in such things
where can i find him ? :o
in here or #fatgames
p2 400 + 128 mb ram + geforce 1
thanks almost have got the same so please :D
o: oh lolz yes shitty computer you have idd :X
But with 800€ you can buy something nice if you keep the hdd/drives etc.. just get cpu motherboard ram psu and a gf card...
ye maybe i should take more money
thats quite fine, check my profile thats what i just bought costed me €890

buying everything except for the drives
ask uniq :D

he helped me with mine \o/
well, i think i will... but im sure that i will try other games as well and maybe i will leave ET for an other game if i would feel that is good enough. dont know yet...
x1950 pro rox <3
q6600 184 € (even though I'd wait for the new quadcores)
8800gtx 249 €
random nais mb 100 €
soundcard dunno 40 €
corsair DDR2-800 Kit 2x1024 MB 49 €
HDD Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 500GB 99€

721 € in Total so you can send 79 € to me. k thx.
haha :D thanks but i cant send any to you :<
quad core is still useless
Maybe, but if u buy a new pc today I would still go for it for "teh future". you can ofc also use a dual core and just buy quadcore later (as its the same socket, mobo update might be needed)
true & the new E8xxx or smth from INtel are pretty nice afaik
hmm, arent quadcore twice as expensive hun?
depends. actually. no.
so then it doesnt depend?
thanks but i dont think this is the best for 800 €
do u know how much beer u get for the other 300?! cmon its not worth spending that much on a PC :P btw, make sure u buy new PSU or your other will choke :)
hmm maybe, sometimes i have that my screen just actually freezes, even when im doing nothing or when screensaver is on, mayb its that
:) well i want the best pc for this money, becuz i dont want to buy new things for every fucking year :<
I want a new pc too. I got the money, but somehow I'm still waiting for the best point of time, which is never gonna be there.
im thinking of

xfx 8800 gt
intel core 2 duo E6750 (2x2.67Ghz)
some good ram

and i dont know which motherboard is the best for these things :<
I think for normal users the motherboard isnt really that important as long as it just "works". I would buy one that supports pcie2.0 though
its important that the buss's on the motherboard are of quallity :)

edit: i'm on a freakin spam-roll here in this post!
dude, check out the video in my post Rise Against lol :D
I am on work, would look a bit stupid if I turn sounds on ;)
haha u always look stupid honey
yea but I rather wanna look stupid with a job than without ;)
buy the e8200/e8400 instead!
buy the e8200/e8400 instead!
I'm buying new computer too, it'll cost only 245€ and it'll be GOOD one. Don't waste all of your money, everything doesn't have to be expensive to be good ;)
You should buy a wacom :)
To draw comics :D ?
No... to peal bananas!
Like i said before, i've my good old amd for over 5 years and it still works like a charm.
I'm not mad, just forgot to add a smiley :c
the negative side as I see it with AMD is that it is alot warmer.. heat != good :P
Imo you should also buy a power supply, since you won't have enough with 350 or 400 watt.

Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 (160€)
MSI P35 Neo2-FIR (80€)
OCZ 4GB (2x2GB) PC6400, CL4 (90€)
Club3D Radeon HD 3870 X2 (1GB) (320€)
Creative X-Fi XtremeMusic (60€)
Samsung Spinpoint F1 750GB (100€)

= 810€

The mobo was the "worst" part, so you could upgrade on that if you have more money.

Graphics card is best choice, Sound card is optional.
i said he is the best
unless he's going to run vista, 4 gig is useless so make that 2 gig of PC8500, CL4

you dont need a seperate soundcard really. most mobo's have decent enough soundcards.

I myself would go for a 8800GT 512mb instead. Cheaper and performs incredibly well for it's price.

The hdd is the best choice idd. Best space/price ratio atm and the spinpoints are quite silent as well.

As a powersupply, take the Antec Earhtwatts 420. Stable PSU with enough power to run those specs and it's also very silent.
8800GT is indeed a very nice card for price/quality, but 3870 X2 is simply better performing. I like to put my money in graphic cards rather than something else. But if the setup would include a power supply then I would indeed opt for 8800GT.

As for the power supply, the Zalman 600watt or 500watt is pretty neat too, worth considering.

Imo your 420watt is a bit too low for the setup we have here. If the power supply is being forced, it could badly damage all the components of your pc. And I have seen this happen multiple times.

The ram is just to be sure for the future, it's CL4, and OCZ which guarantees the best quality there is in ram.

For the soundcard, it's what he requested :D
I'd never buy a soundcard myself since the ones on-board are good enough. But when you have an all-surround system (with quality, no 15cm plastic boxes) then this is a must buy.
On peak-usage that setup would consume about 250 to 270 watts (calculated using antec's PSU consumption calculator). The 420 watts will do more than fine. Check my profile and have a look at my mediacenter. It runs just fine with a 380 watts antec earthwatts psu and my normal PC runs just fine with the 420 watts version of it and both are more demanding when it comes to power consumption.

people tend to overkill on their powersupply's, but instead they should be looking at the stability of their powersupply.

As for the vidcard, sure the 3870x2 performs better, but at what cost? You can pick up an 8800GT for around 170 euro's. Plus I just tend to pick nvidia over ati, simply cuz ati's drivers suck cock :)
nem... jön cod4-ezni
Nvidia 9600 GT (200€)
Just buy a replacement? =)
Lol you have almost the same PC like me but i got worser graphic card :o Fx5500 :((( really crap

Will buy new PC next year or smth
aw crap! I pushed the correct reply-button! I'm totaly sure! :P
I don't think this is a software problem. Check out your driver-cd for any monitoring programs or check out the manufacturer's website for monitoring programs. Test out what the temperature is after playing 15 minutes, and if it's too high, consider either calling the help center of your manufacturer, or installing custom cooling on your gfx card. Make sure it isn't your cpu that's getting too hot (the monitor program should show you that).
Different manufacturers for the same gfx chipset just means very small performance differences but mostly the extras that are supplied with it. Extra games, software, more output-jacks, ...
Your windows & bios automatically shut your pc down (or sleep mode) when your PU's get too hot.

Monitoring programs are:

CoreTemp (
PC Wizard 2008 (
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