My bad beat story

I made a post last week saying that i was playing in the Irish poker open side event

This is my bad beat story :(

About 3 hours into the tourney:

Me middle position 5h 5c

I raise to 600(3 times the blind)

I get reraised by the big blind to 1500

I call (bad call,but implied odds made me call)

Flop comes 5d 2d 8c

Big blind checks,i bet 2000,big reraiser raises to 5000,i push all in for about 6500,and get called with Ad Kd

Turns a blank,rivers a Jd,

\o> <3 the river :(
bad call lucky flop unlucky turn or river :D
hahaha :DDD
i dont get it
it's not the winning, it's the taking part!
harsh, can understand the big blind's play tho.
Why?The small reraise he made preflop?
The reraise wasn't the strongest move, but on the flop he prolly put you on top pair max. And if it was the case where you had just flopped a pair he still has 2 over cards + flush draw = more than 50% to win the pot. But admitted he did overplay his cards slightly, especially seeing you were the agressor in the pot and not him.
Ye he seemed quite aggressive and tricky,i should have spat in his face rather than shook his hand,but that prolly would of seemed quite unsportsman like :D
xD, the guy should have known you had some form of hand after you called the preflop reraise (at least put you on Asomething or a pair). And if he did that his hand wasn't that strong on the flop. But you see it so often ppl overplaying AK etc...
Poor flushez :P
thats all you can say to a man who lost all his money? nice guy u r
stupid raise and even dumber call

Nice bad beat when odds before flop are about 50-50 :>
Hahah you obhiously have no clue,i like to mix it up with small pairs in middle position,20% raise 80% call.
My opponent was aggressive so i knew if i hit my set i was goina get a double up.
You gotta have put him on a draw, when he goes all in so its a coinflip then.
I had trips lol,he had a 4/1 flush draw :D No coinflop
its tournament why risk it all ?
Thts what it all about lol,and the fact i was about 75% favorite rofl
the odds are not with you to hit the set ;> but yeah if you hit it you have great chance to double up.. But he had a flushdraw so that really wasnt a bad beat :>
I know i didnt have odds,i was only gettin about 2 and a bit to 1 preflop,but the fact i was against this aggressive twat make my implied odds worth it.If was a differant player i either would of folded,or even come over the top.

The reason i say its a bad beat is the fact i was favorite on the flop and by well the favourite on the turn.
Im not saying my aces got beaten by 72 off
Unlucky, I wouldn't have played two 5's in middle position though.
Just shove all-in with those pairs
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