new mobile

What mobile shall I buy...

I'm thinking of buying an IPhone (so I also get a mp3 player) But they are $400 in America and if I let some1 buy it there there will not be any guarantee on it :<

Living in the Netherlands

image: iphone-abonnement-zoom
I just noticed u edited it :D nothing more
i may buy a cracked iphone from a friend but i don't know if it's worth 350€..
1$ = 0.6 € afaik so that wll be €240
oh i mixed it up i mean $ ofc :P
Its no good if its cracked.....
cracked just means i can use prepaid card i don't need all this supermegapro gadget stuff
i bought the nokia 6120 2 days ago and its MINT
ask twidi
SE walkman mobile
i dont fucking mind
iPhone sucks, overhyped shit phone doesn't even support gprs/hdspa
Its fun but if you are drunking then is it a suckage mobiel touchscreen
buy some skills noob
Ik heb een N73 en bevalt prima, maar dan moet je wel internet nemen. KPN loopt daar al op voor en kun je onbeperkt interneten voor 9,95 in de maand en kun je ook op MSN en crossfire browsen op je mobiel.
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