going berserk

Hello first of all excuse me for all the journals i'm posting but im being covered under a huge pile of unexplicable problems and i'm not very good with computers :{

anyway, forget about the mouse thing i am using another one for now (i guess the old one was just getting old:P)

so like i said before, i installed rtcw and to some extend it's actually working. I had some problems with my cdkey before but i managed to get it to work and i had some problems with punkbuster but i managed to get that to work too, or so i thought ;XXX

just now, rTg (public) changed to escape which i hadnt downloaded yet so i decided it wud be a nice moment to disconnect and take the time to change the mouse too.... so i downloaded escape, changed the mouse and tried to reconnect to the server when all of a sudden i found myself back where i was the past few days -_-
first it started whining about invalid_cdkey when i tried to connect. so i /quit RTCW, overwrote my cdkey file in the main folder with the correct one and opened wolfMP again. i manually entered the last two digits for my key and tried to connect again. hey ! problem solved no more cdkey whine. but guess what? this time rtcw started going on about my punkbuster problem again. I have pb installed and working (im 100% sure cause just now i was on rTg for about an hour) but now it says pb needs to be installed and enabled when i try to connect to a server :S when i go to the multiplayer menu and try to click on the enable pb button it doesnt do anything at all. also cl_pb_enable (or w/e it is) doesnt change anything and all my configs have sl_ and cl_ punkbuster on 1 .

I have absolutely no clue why it's changing this stuff all the time if i only quit and reopen rtcw =S

pls does anyone have a clue how to fix this?
i dont know how to fix it mate, but all i know is that i just loaded up rtcw in single player, then switched to multiplayer and it worked xD
try that , u might get lucky like me ;)
ok so now i just tried again (without changing shit) and it suddenly decided to start working again :X

anyway the total randomness of this bothers me a lot so if anyone has an explanation it'd be greatly appreciated
i just now wanted to join a public and it gave me the pb problem too , i played yesterday and everything was fine , but now all of a sudden my pb won't enable

what did you do ?

EDIT: ps : give me some good public ip's

thats basically the only one still in use...

the first time i had that problem i reinstalled (:XX) and used pbsetup http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.php to update punkbuster

after that it did work but then i had to problem again. now i fixed it by doing nothing.. just retried after 15 minutes :S
welcome to zombo.com
Ì got like exactly the same problem. I reinstall the patch 1.41 enable punkbuster and rejoin. this seems to fix the problem temporary. When I quit rtcw and rejoin a server it gives the same problem again.
didn't read it all, dno if u tried this already but i had kinda the same prob

i solved it by putting in the right cdkey directly into the cdkey file in ur rtcw folder and then making this file read-only

gl :p
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