No matter how shit my day has been I'm glad I can rely on the England football team to reward me in my predictions that they will consistently fail.

I hope France go on to trash England so Cappello quickly realises he cannot persist with his negative tactics if he expects England to win.

Wayne Rooney is a world class player, but if he doesnt get the ball then hes not going to do a great deal, plus if he doesnt have anyone to pass to when he gets the ball then again he will never do well. Rooney MUST play with another striker, so much so that Alex Ferguson plays him with almost 2 other strikers.

Steven Gerrard should realise that the red of England and the red of Liverpool are two very different things. He cannot be so selfish when he has world class players alongside him, Ok at Liverpool if he cant pass to Torres he may aswell shoot because the rest of his attack minded teammates wouldnt get in the Tottenham side, but when he has real players in his team he should try to pass to them.

Wes Brown starts, this is the guy that Newcastle tried to sign in January need I say more?

David James constantly does the difficult brilliantly, but the simple things stupidly proved once again by the penalty - you're going face on to collect a ball against Anelka, if he gets the slightest of touches he will go around you and you cannot react to stop it, instead he just goes into you and you dont get the ball.

Beckham - Great player, but no pace dont play a system that is trying to utilise the pace of the forward players and then have Beckham in the England half

David Platt - You're a shit commentator who is clearly blind, "England have dominated the game" really? At what point have we actually looked dominating or like scoring.

I also love this French director who decides constantly that the international audience really wants to see pictures of French B team players, we really dont!

Where is Jose when you need him :(
anelka :)
thought it was about o6
It's a friendly... chill o/
lets read and enjoy it all
United Kingdom are even worse than the dutch team under van Bustah sometimes
friendly or not, England are shocking in football, with all these world class players we shouldnt be playing like this. imo.
your opinion is correct
Hmm, mostly the England team lose because we're not as good as France. I'd have thought someone would have worked that out over the last ten or twenty years of losing to them with a wide variety of managers.
Hes taken off Joe Cole............:`(
who came on for joe?
Stuart Downing!
wonderful ¬_¬.
do you support chealsea?..?!
when did you start supporting them ?
before you were born
Good.. least your not a glory supporter :D

but still.. give it up Manchester > you w/o jose
wtf? he is ownage
face it, England always has and always will be a failure country, especially in football
we are the best at darts and snooker at least!!! :P
ahum, "barney" ?
he not world no'1 :P
I'm talking about sports here and you bring up darts?
Yeh its all about darts :P Netherlands suck at football anyway ;)
True, I'm a germany fan, not that they are that good, but at least they have the character to go for it. Best combination is skill and character, like Germany Michael Schumacher and United States of America Lance Armstrong, hence überl33t
We pwn is rugby D:
I love it when you are on your flaming sprees:P
Always makes me laugh :)
nice competition, but no chemistry in the national team
Isnt this how england has performed for the past.... 30-40 years?
High expectations and biiiig disapointments.
And wasnt it an english player who once said, that there are millions of football experts. Too bad the 22 guys on field apparently dont know shit.
1-0 atm. np4us
i like your gf's pic in your profile.
paintrain i dont think you can talk on football and failure the netherlands have always had one of the best international teams around for years but i ask where's the trophies???
there just as shit
Hence why I don't support the Netherlands in football, they're spoiled little kids.
too long to read, to less to care
viva la france !
I just love you tosspot , hail to my motherland , vive la france :D
shame on you, and you wanted to have invented football?
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