Loekino stories©

So today i wokeup, and i remembered "Owh dear i dont have a bike my other stolen one is kapoet!" So the question was, how do i get to school without spending money to a cab/bus/private jet/train. Then the solution was in my garden! another bike and my first opinion about it was that it was a good bike.. but then the horror started and the seat was probably used(or abused i can say) by a fat kiddie because the "pillow" that was in the seat was as good as not-pillowish so i was basicly sitting on metal that analy raped me.. and i was so proud that i was still a assvirgin..

Well.. Oke no problem i will make it its just 1 hour but that thought was haunted since after 30 minutes i didn't got really far i was like "Wryy me no cant hold it! My ass My ass aucho!!" so i turned back home to get a new way to get to school, luckly god was on my side and there was another bike in my garden! This time i tested it a bit more and it seemed good.. except.. i wasnt a midget so the bike was a bit small for me so obviously i didnt go so fast but hey! at least i made it! but i went to the study area/room so i could relax and spam crossfire since i dont wanna sit in the class and listen to someone telling a lovely story about "stuffthatsmystudyallabout"
(and one girl looks sexy so i will keep that as motivation to go!)

Now tell me my children, how was your morning?
when I saw teh title I was all like "Meh"
i woke up and went to shower. then i ate 1 hotdog and drank pepsi after that i put snus ofc! and now im reading this shit
just take the private jet who cares about money
lold @ garden respawning bikes kinda like ET respawning players

gtfo i just woke up
just woke up with my gf took a shower and then she left for her first driving lesson :-)
omg! women and driving! xD i know how dangerous that combination can be ;)
didnt you prank him?
Woke up around 8o'clock , ate something + drank fruit juice and then I went to a friend around 9 to get my phone back.

np4KaZe !

Now I will play kSRO and pwn with my lv 95 wizard.
just woke up to go to plant fysiology class, takes about 90 mins to get there with bus, thank god i dont have any early classes, or i would wake up at like 6 or 7
i smell orgy @ loekinos house
Quote So the question was, how do i get to school without spending money to a cab/bus/private jet/train.

answer: dont go to school
2much2read :<
nop , 2 weeks holidays :)

24 march to 4 april :]

EDIT : + I'm downloading SAW IV and American Pie 6 !<3
thx mounodoule. btw i will steal some weed from that class (if we have at least, but i think we have cause we get overfunded by the state) and spend the day with some other randoms getting high.

anyways g2g now, gl 2u2
its better to be bored at home then at school
you are still missing much while writing comments
as long as you dont like it its ok
only 5 days , noobschool



What's better : SAW IV or American Pie 6 :< ?
lollllllll loekino
lol i was thinking all the time you are killerboy
fashiondrama :(

good luck there :((
eij im @ havo!
i dont think its possible to get aids after dieing
nope, not doing a shit and still i have 'voldoendes' :<
ok lets try it with et cause else well have to wait too long
lolkino bored in skool?????
kk just cuz ure loekino <3
in real what?
and next is gonna be


just nicotine. ofc it gives some taste but im not using it because of taste.
kk niceread D:, i have schoolexams @ 12:15 /:
me also?!?!?!?!?!!!
if its never wrong why didnt you trust in it much earlier
Im still sick as a cow.. :O

but atleast no school !
agreed same here
so you want to die?
np already done
sry for making you fell even more emo now
no school today ;>
i was looking forward to your comment and didnt expect anything else
i was looking forward to your comment and didnt expect anything else
i was looking forward to your comment and didnt expect anything else
i was looking forward to your comment and didnt expect anything else
i was looking forward to your comment and didnt expect anything else
i was looking forward to your comment and didnt expect anything else
i was looking forward to your comment and didnt expect anything else
i was looking forward to your comment and didnt expect anything else
i was looking forward to your comment and didnt expect anything else
i was looking forward to your comment and didnt expect anything else
i was looking forward to your comment and didnt expect anything else
i was looking forward to your comment and didnt expect anything else
i was looking forward to your comment and didnt expect anything else
i was looking forward to your comment and didnt expect anything else
i was looking forward to your comment and didnt expect anything else
i was looking forward to your comment and didnt expect anything else
i was looking forward to your comment and didnt expect anything else
i was looking forward to your comment and didnt expect anything else
i was looking forward to your comment and didnt expect anything else
i was looking forward to your comment and didnt expect anything else
i was looking forward to your comment and didnt expect anything else
i was looking forward to your comment and didnt expect anything else
i was looking forward to your comment and didnt expect anything else
sorri i would like to keep playing but i goto shower and then downtown, hf!
i was looking forward to your comment and didnt expect anything else

np wanna go sleep hf
i was looking forward to your comment and didnt expect anything else
wtf? go awai its our gaym
i was looking forward to your comment and didnt expect anything else
i was looking forward to your comment and didnt expect anything else

waiting for friend to F3 and we go :D
like you didnt already xD
gl at going back home then
me haz 4hrs of java nau, me iz laik zZzz and not willing to do anythings. wants coffeebreak
well i got up at 6.30 as u know, talked to u @ vent a few mins, got to work, answered 3 calls or something, then boss told me: pls go home for today, bb... yeah and now i am bored at home \o/
u sux dont want to cuddle with gays
ok, come cuddle with me :D
2late already cuddling with lolkino and insti
mhhhh lets have a cuddle 4some then, would be nice fo sho ! <3
nope girls are for straights
pffff fu! :P :D
kk gone now see ya later *cuddling with blanket then* :P
hf, men > blankets
loekino is at lesson allready :I
straights > gays... imo, but i am selfish at that point
ahhh cooool
5 euros!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gaagag selfkill /kill suicide bom, im respawned after 15 min of pause
yes if you dont like to smoke cigarettes.
muahaha :F sorry BTW U added me to ur friends lsit omg omg :O
nice story...boring morning for me
geography exam...
it does give. but i meant im not using it because of taste. you can buy some shit where is taste like orange shit and stuff
that was a pleasure ;)
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