Ultimate spread journal

Okay... I've read an article long time ago about ET spread and I got the conclusion that 125FPS/250Hz polling rate is the key for a small spread when moving the mouse. I didn't have the chance to test it because I got a shit mouse locked to 125Hz. Now I want to buy a MX518 (can it be overclocked to more than 125HZ?) and I want to know if that rule is true.
Thanks in advance.
its 250fps but you can try it with 125fps/125hz too..
Okay... then why do people overclock the usb port to 250 Hz? Whats the advantage in et?
Yes... If i think of it I guess you are roght. One fps spread + next fps spread -.
the smoother mouse movement, the more Hz
response time is shorter... I have my mouse in 1000hz.
poor dog :(

My family had a dog of the same breed (labrador retriever) a few years ago, he almost jumped off the balcony once.
we have the same profile-visits :D
u gotta have twice the fps of your mouse Hz and u won't have spread from turning
I tested that and it's not tue :(.
it is... com_maxfps 250 and mousehz to 125 and go wiggle your mouse around (remember to put crosshairpulse to 1 to notice it)
One more thing and I'll go for college. MX518 supports polling rates > 125Hz?
Up to 1000Hz
so ps/2 (66hz) and 132 FPS, shit not posible with CB configs how lame even with shittiest hz you can use it isn't posible anymore
Afaik PS/2 uses 62,5 Hz refresh rate
just googled it, but 60 is default in XP but can be changed in anything between 1 and 200.

plug and play is what the real pros do
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