
It came up on vent last night, and most of us had never even heard of the place until we started playing ET. Infact I'm beginning to doubt it's existence.


When did you learn about Estonia?
never learn'd
when i was about 12 years old in a place called school.
when I was like, 5 years old?
yeah but you're finnish, you guys are like brothers or something with your shared Independence
don't know what you mean with "shared independence" but afaik finns have had very little to do with estonia's independence.
what the fuck. estonian independence have nothing to do with finland.
retardness, some people still believe that ussr exists.
they have a language ?

thought they speak rus or fi oO ?
it's not funny at all tbfh
it was seriously...
once again razzah does not dissapoint!
Their language is like finnish, but estonian sounds more like retarded finnish.
or finnish sounds like retarded estonian?
I bet you're wnb's.
nooo we were here first... u just copied our shit...
dont think we exactly copied your ''shit''.
you can't seriously belive we actually COPIED "your shit"? we're just similar because we come from the same place.
i must agree!
in b4 estonians say finnish sounds like retarded estonian and finns say estonian sounds like retarded finnish
But I think finnish was before estonian language. so they're wnb retards IMO.
actually, evidence of Estonia existing was found 6500 BC, and evidence of Finland existing 8500 BC. So yes, finland existed before, but no one knows when the finno-ugric was first spoken, or by who.
You're right. But imo estonians copyed finnish language^^
no one copied anything, if you really belive so you ARE a moron.

... we are the same people, who became 2 countries and now we have minor diffrences.
yeah, minor as in our anthems are pretty much the same, language pretty much the same, etc.
ofcourse there are some big diffrences also, like most finns being fat and coming to estonia to buy cheap booze + the other half of finns being skinny white nerds on the internet
Haha. Don't know about the skinny nerds and fat idiots, but booze is so cheap there that it would be crime not to come there :)
just thought i'd provoke you a bit also :D
btw, the earliest Estonian "town" is Pulli küla near Pärnu close to Sindi and it had some shiaad from 10000 BC
ah like dutch sounds like retarded german
when i was 4, i had a reading addiction at that age, read about everything
mm, I love reading, but mainly fiction

love reading a good physics/philosophy book though when i get the chance
Learned in Geograpichs in 5th grade.
When I learned the topography of Europe, which was when I was around 9 years old.
when i was laik 8! n1 country :n
they are part of russia so its easy to remember.
you have to do anything Russians want you to do... puppets

estonians atleast held their country, you lost a part to them. and no we dont. if you'd atleast slightly read the news you'd know
your point being?
imo you should start kicking out all those biatch retard russians currently still living in your country and refusing to speak your language...

ignoring them and just letting them be isn't good imo, that still counts as being under their regime, since they can do anything at any time they want :<
wish it would be possible. some(rly few :D) got sent out last year for the rebel stuff
can't u start some underground organisation and make a sudden strike?

I see the same happening in here in holland with the extremist Islam currently having us as their homebase. Slowly there are starting to grow underground organisations everywhere, and I'm sure that in the near feauture a riot will be the trigger for a civil war...
we would get flamed by un and nato
priorities m8, priorities...

Caring about what the rest of the world thinks of me wouldn't be mine, living free would be...
dno who that chick in ur profile is but damn she's hot ;o
Relax, why don't you get 40 armed & dangerous guys and free estonia? :D
man, you are still keeping your label of retardation and proving again everyone's opinion about you. They have like 10% of russians and they are not immigrants like your muslims, since they lived there during USSR times, for working in local factories etc. The ones that still live there have their own business/work and pay taxes and you braindead kid are as stupid as fuck. I can't imagine you being even more stupid than that.
U know raztih? I've heard stories from him, from how he lives in there, and that's what I base my opinion on. I don't know estonia other than from his stories, so yeh, maybe I'm not right, but what I read in the replies from the estonians here they all confirm it.

maybe be less offensive aye? ^^
Your estonian friends and estonians here are pretty negative to russians cause of historic events mostly and less likely cause of present situation. Hatred is artificially created among estonians through media and estonian russians are influenced in the same way. People earn money with this after all. It's the same here, but there is much bigger percentage of russians...
hmm, ok, could be, dno, I don't live in estonia

but if it would be like what raztih said I'd surely do what I said ^^
If you'd visit Narva (if I remember correctly) in Estonia, you definately won't hear estonian language there... "freedom bringers" in estonia are plenty... although not as plenty as in Latvia :X
ye that's what raztih told me
In funny way your friends make hatred.. by demolating Tallin when "Aljosha the rapist and marauder" monument was removed -,-
i heard a lot of arrested ppl were actually estonians... but who cares, since social dirt is everywhere and in each society.
If you get for example citizenship of Estonia, that doesn't make you a real and true estonian - if you're born as russian, you will die as russian. You get the idea, right? ;)

The same and good example are your friends Zhdanoka, Pliners, Kabanovs etc. etc. - they all got citizenship of Latvia, they all are politicians, but they don't use it in favor to the country. They keep telling that making free Latvia was a mistake and must be eleminated ( (c) Buzajevs, also have a citizenship of Latvia), that we treat to minorities like dirt, call us nazis and stuff like that. The same is with ordinary people who got citizenship.
that's not of my concern and these are not my friends, I doubt I even heard about some of them... About politics, please, don't tell me, how bad or good politicians are - you get the power - you get the money. They don't want to lose that, so they start to do some attention shit, like "we want to ban nazis" etc etc, and some naive russians or minorities are voting for them... Latvian politicians are the same, they play with societies and get money. And I call people nazis, who blame me or my relatives for what happens now, or for deaths of latvian citizens which is awful and sad at the same time. But in reality these people are just pawns. It's extremely obvious
point being that the flag aint estonian you idiot :::Dddd:::Ddddddddd:::DD:D fucking dickeater!
:) didnt find the edit button or what? replied 3 times :D and since you didnt get what i meant there i rly cant be bothered to argue
only thing i think is funny is your stupid comments about estonia helding their own.. :DD
glad atleast you found it funny that u replied 3 times. if you finnish peope would pay slightly more attention in history you'd know whats going around your country. cause all that has been stated here during the past days has just been utter rubbish. now stfu plz, cause i finished with this already yesterday.
I dont care if u have finished this or not..
Finland still did more for their independence than Estonia so keep on acting smart and talking about the news..
you got your independence after reign of soviet union ended so shut the fuck up piece of russian shit :D go sell some piracy stuff to Mustamäen tori
perfect example how much you know about estonia :)
...why the fuck I'd like to know anything about your developing country
well, if you don't know and don't care - why open your mouth? kinda retarded if you ask me.
just to see you getting provoked
Ugly bitch in you'r profilepicture.
Nice, you didin't go crazy.
did i say you're supposed to know? kind of retarded stating something false about something you're saying you dont know about?
Someone is getting angry? Your country has no effect in world, you would be better if you still were under russian flag.
any reason i should be angry? :P rather amusing what ppl are saying.
All things here spoken is true.
what exactly?
That you are hippies seeded to small island near Nebraska
nearly correct
you cant even compare finland and estonia..
"estonians atleast held their country" A:SD:AS:DAS:DA:SD:AS:DASD: THEY SURE DID!
But finland fought for it's lands, after Soviet russia fall down, you just got you'r land back. Correct me if im wrong.
pot calling the kettle black
i hope you get rolled over by a car and then die a slow and painful death...
and you are impulsive like Russian aswell! :D
i hope you get rolled over by a car and then die a slow and painful death.
and you are only a year older, care
3, but i'm mature enough to take a joke and not flame people instantly when they insult me.
when i was about 12 years old in a place called school.
whats estonia?
can i eat that?
Yes, you can eat it
couldnt point to it on a map
in fukken kindergarten, I thought u were our neighboor, that is why I remembered estii 8D
Estonia = irl ownaboyz
HAy we are estonians

image: EstonianTVGirlsChoirWeb

And here are the real _OWNABOYZ_

image: finnish-army

Thats right, finnish army! BE AFRAID
I always imagined Estonians living in little huts made out of clay and hay, and to get food they had to go hunt deers that were practically in front of their little mud hut.
actually the deers live a fair amount of distance away from our huts, they are scared of humans.
I wasn't far off then!
When I was about 8. At school.
always knew about them, but they just got independence when the soviet unions collapsed
At school or from some TV news when i was 7-10
when I was about 4-5 years old
They should get own national anthem.
Go to school, and study smth about that
Jawohl, its fake of the finnish one.
What? It still exists? I thought it sank 14 years ago!
umm learn @ school or smth...
u suck !
actually I had to look this country up the first time I saw some players with this flag :D
well, kinda when I was born.

edit: actually, few years after I was born since I was born in finland though im estonian
Well of course I got to know the the name and where the country is at school. But made me like estonians even though I never have been there nor met anyone living there. Now I got to know -by watching television - they are a small but very modern and rising country next to russia. Which somehow explains why so many great gamers live there.
Well I seriously can't understand people who are euros and have no knowledge at least about countries in their own region. It's normal for 99% of amerifags to know shit about Latvia for example. But it's still amusing. Maybe it's just me, but I know exactly all countries/capitals and it's positions in Europe, North-africa, Middle east and quite normal knowledge of all other countries. Imo everyone should know the world map at least at some basic level. For instance if you live in some area - you have never walked around this place, haven't you?
you're just more intelligent than 99% of us...
when i played online xDDD
never tbh ofc in ET
Estonia is my little dream country from Baltic states when it comes to dealing with image: ssr leftovers of USSR (moving away from eyes the shame of Estonia aka "Aljosha" marauder and rapist monument), political stance against communism and other related things.

<3 at their president Toomas Hendrik Ilves & prime minister Andrus Ansip. I wish here in Latvia were such leaders who would remove Riga's "Mega phallus / shame stick" in Pardaugava ;(
so sad, I would better get someone who can fix our economics, oh wait... we have to spend money to remove the monument!! ZOMG! The goal of your life is to get rid of russians and things that are connected to them, instead of thinking about career and other social stuff(that at least in my opinion have bigger priority than debating with nationalists or racists), too bad, too bad...
When I was like 3 :>
dunno my age but it was when i met this guy named erki he scared the living shit outa me and he flamed me :<
I can't understand how is it possible that there are so many retarded persons. First of all, I bet Meez just tried to be funny, I'm pretty sure he has heard something about Estonia before. Secondly, have you missed all your geography lessons, because I bet when you learn in geography about Baltic States, then you know something about Estonia. About the language, then we haven't copied nothing from Finland, because before , when there were no nations yet, then people who lived in area where now are Finland and Estonia spoked all almost the same language and from that language have developed Finnish and Estonian. About the national anthem, then Estonians took it first as their national anthem, but when Russia took power in Estonia, then Finnish people took the anthem and now it seems like we have copied it from Finland. Maybe you all will shut up now and please go to school. :)
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