My new song

aye, if you like some electronic sounds give me some feedback :)

no external samples used, everything composed and recorded by myself, thank you
n1 cutty, didnt know you were into making electro :o..What sampling pads do you have ? and what programs do you use ? pro tools ?
I use Cubase, Steinberg Hypersonic 2, guitar rig 2, and some free vst instruments like Juno2X
just finished listening, quite nice mate 8D, keep it up !
if u could see my face now...
bored like hell. this isnt a song, this is annoying bum-bum
and plz.. dont call it electro cuz that isn`t house
did i say it was house?

edit: changed it to "electronic sounds", better? I don't know shit about genres
no but as it seems u dont know the definition of electro.
say its electronical music, ok
i love you
I can see the amount of stupidity in your face via internets. Shut up if you don't know anything about the genre.

Pretty dark track, i like it but you could've added more elements such as little melodies perhaps. Atmosphere is quite good but could be better as well. Overall i'll give you rating of 7.
all i know is that this isnt electro so dont tell me to stfu fintard
but it seems like u know alot about it, so plz tell me mr. knowledge what genre is it?
and if i take a look at ur pic i`ll laugh like hell about that u wanna see stupidity in my face hahaha
Quotedont call it electro cuz that isn`t house

This was the sentence that made me lol. Apparently you don't know anything about eletronic music. This is far from house and but not far from electro. This isn't pure electro either - i'd say this is minimal techno.

industrial touchd dancable electronic music imo.

but give a shit about categorys and stuff. maybe a bit more compression on teh drums and a litte bit more headroom nxt time pls.

nice work
never heard about electro house?
thats what i meant and thought he meant with electro cuz i never heard any other music called electro.
and minimal sounds different
electro ain't house either.
electro house :(
it is electro. ive ben working with music for 10 years now. and been working wit electro for 3 years of it so

and pretty good music :D
10 years of working with it didnt gave u a good taste
everyone has his own taste
shite as ever cutty...:p
lol nice XD
it's very decent, didn't expect it to be

what programs do you use? or do you use actual turntables
You don't make music with turntables :P
how the hell am I supposed to know :'<
beat is groovy, well done from start til end.
unexpected.! :D

give a shit about categorys and stuff. maybe a bit more compression on teh drums and a litte bit more headroom nxt time pls.

nice work

pm if ure interested in remixin or sharin sume ideas
not bad (:
bazuka bambis intro > this :/
not bad at all!:)
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