
i move into another appartment at Sunday and i wont have Inetz for about 2 weeks, what should i do, i thinnk i wont survive without et and xfire, help plz! :(
i think i speak for all of us when i say that crossfire will miss you, now marry me! (or tits)
may the force be with you during these hard timez!!!
dude you should take this a great oppurtunity, a gift from heaven, explore this new situation, dont be affraid to go out perhaps meet people! look around on the streets, c whats happening in the city ! maybe you will find a secret book? go to a chi master practice some kung fu
practice kung beat up irritating muslims? :D:D
yes :D basically, probably the nr 1 cause why one should pracitce kung fu.. most dutch people are more easy to get allong with :)
go to an internet cafe and ask if you can stay there overnight!
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