my et_pro guid :/

Mabye thats not important question for many of you but I am so damn curious why my et_pro guid is still same. I have new ip, changed w-lan usb adapter like month ago, and yesterday i switch this usb adapter with my bf, and he has a new guid and me still the same. How that posible? :/
my yawn
hamachi??? buba i dont get it:(

edit* ok i know what it is atm, but still :/
its your spoofer fasolka it overides the real one!

joke ofc no idea tbh :)
noone know why:( stupid et - uber mucho bugs :D
btw how are u?:) hope same god as me :)
yeah great thanks, smiling as always :)
hej Sparkziiiii how are u my friend?:D
tired of school.. BUT I HAVE MUSCLES BECAUSE OF GYM! will show you some new pics soon :DDDD
u has a bf ? :ooo

</3 :'-(
thank u :/ and jap i have ;)

sad panda now.

Hearts break,
hearts mend,
love still hurts.
Visions clash,
planes crash,
still there's talk of,
saving souls, still the cold
is closing in on us.

Poor RazZaH, but i understand why you love her, she's damn beautiful! :D
i dont love her oO

she iz just HOT :D
ohhh cmon! thats not jurnal about me but about of my et_pro guid. 698B4EBCD31CF9DBABBAB088CBA14ACD8EE6A5C7 huh damn hot numbers xD
sry..just read untill

yesterday i switch this usb adapter with my bf

Nice trading your boyfriend to a switch! =O
haha nono i did not tread anyone to switch xD it was his idea, to check smth with our connection (i mean internet :D )
evil minds ;)
im just a fanboi x)
It is also based on your HDD, just install a ET on a other HDD and you get a new etpro guid
but my boyfriend has a new et guid since yesterday when we switched that usb adapters:/ we didnt do nothing more with et yesterday than only switch that one thing.
yep, that happens some times too, i have no clue how it workds but i know its based on same hardware.. some say i changed my vid card, now my etpro guid changed.. other say i changed my network card etc... so maybe you got lucky xd
I changed motherboard but not HDD's and I got a new guid.
it is also based on your HDD :D
i dunno jola ://
why do u want a new guid?
i dont want :D I am just curious, why he has a new one, and me after so many changes which i make i dont have it xD
i am curious girl :(

btw hi girl :) missing u, when u will have more time to talk sweetie?:)
come irc ! ! we want girlpower for our team >:(
I have changed my mainboard, cpu, hdd, lan, wlan, graphiccard (JUST EVERYTHING!) and even my socks AND underwear and still have the same guid since day 1.

I always copied my ET installation from one hdd to another, didnt re-install.
wtf? are you meaning pb_guid because what you just wrote is impossible that your ETpro guid has not changed by all of this
hmm if install my ET on my other HDD i already get a new ETpro guid..

u dont use a guidspoofer do you? :DD
not that I know at least xD
btw is it against rules if u spoof ur own guid?

and as mentioned before, I didnt install it a 2nd time, always just copy it.
I have a new pc with ET installed on a new HDD and I still have the same guid as 2 years ago!
mh ok i give up :X
lucky guy!
btw hi mister ;)
Hello miss Fasolka, how are you?
lil bit sick atm, but who cares. I feel just great ;) and u?:)
I'm great, a friend of mine just decided he really wants to learn how to play guitar and play in a band so I finally have a reason to play again! :]
i wanna some sample of ur skils! xD
Haven't recorded anything! :P
That sounds imposible :o but cool, that just shows how stable etpro guids are. You can change ur whole computer and still have same guid, I install a raid-controller and got new guid on every boot \o/
lol yea...

well I didnt change all at once. Actually I had ET installed on my old pc with IDE hdd. Then one after another I changed everything like more ram and a new graphicard.

Then I bought a new motherboard, but used my old hdd and my old ram.

After that I bought a new g-card and a SATA hdd.
but do u still have the IDE-hdd plugged in?
yea its both plugged, but my ET is on the SATA
Then there's ur answer. Windows still finds your IDE-drive as the #1 in drive-list. Disconnect it and u'll get new guid :)
I installed a new windows when I got this SATA drive, but u think it still gets the old one?
Yea I'm sure it is.. Cant find anything about how windows "arrange" the list of drives but I think it arranges IDE before SATA and it has nothing to do with which drive that might be the boot-drive.
lol, there is the answer I was looking for for years!
ofc! Who would give u the answer but Mr Man!
(I know that it has nothing to do with boot-drive since I've had kind of same thing as u but with two IDE-drives)
change mac address
was changed 3 times. coz of 3 new network card. And still same guid.
really dont know. Some et bug or smth:/
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