ok so it's like this, ever since i came back i cant get my mouse to work right, i always seem to be lifting my mouse off the pad n stuff or it falls off...

just wanna discuss some gamesettings...

i use ingame sens of 3, m_pitch of 0.0160 (ish?) and the following external settings, any suggestions for improvements?...

oh p.s. what does enhanced pointer precision do? :o

i think the mouse is bad, if its microsoft habu :D
it is, but i heard good things? and it's well within most top-mice capabilities amirong?
I haven't seen any good laser mouse yet
oh ic, so deathadder n stuff is still optical?
yep,so is db and 1.6, also mx518 is nice...
best mouses are razer db, mx518 and ikari optical
510 > 518

shame you cant get them anymore :(
yeah, that's a very good mouse as well (and I sold mine for a long time ago already :/ )
what's your argument?
indeed they have two different feelings
i just want to have another opinion than mine
yes, it feels better to use, it's just... better made I guess... The only mouse that I think tops it on the ESR mousescores is a DeathAdder, but I've never used Razer mice so I can't comment.
what do u think of razer pro 1.6? i see u have it
I used it over 2 years because I liked it very much. Sanda said it didn't react as fast as a normal db, but I didn't notice any difference there. Otherwise it's the best razer mouse around. Atm, I'm using ikari optical though (although I don't like its shape that much). It feels kinda good as well. But those 2, ikari optical and razer pro 1.6 (or db which is very similar) are the best mouses from my experience :)
in general ppl ive spoke to that have used any microsoft gaming stuff, its stopped working quickly
had this roughly 4 months now... wish meh luck ¬_¬
Doesn't count for the IMO 1.1, WMO 1.1 and IME 3.0 though :p
yeah IME 3.0 rules! :D
i've got to say that my ime 3.0 starts acting random after ~6months .

doubleclick on mouse 4 & 5 when i only click once, mousewheel activating itself when i make a slightly above average quick move, etc.

afterall i think the quality of my old mx510 was way better, the ime 3.0 just feels too light & cheap-built
I got 3 IME 3.0, one IMO 1.1 and 2 WMO 1.1. All working without any problems since several years.

But yeah, I have to agree that the 3.0 feels pretty light for its size and maybe even a bit cheap built compared to the MX series. It only costs half the amount of the Logitech mice though ;-)
well, i dunno how much you used your ime 3.0 if u have so many mice... i've used it for like 5 months everyday for several hours/day for gaming
Using them on several PCs in office etc.

I used one of the 3.0 myself for more than 3 years and it's still working without any problems. Maybe you've got a faulty one, cause I've never really heard of too many problems with those mice.
i think i was just a bit too harsh with it :)

my IME 3.0 has started to do that double-clicking in mousebutton 2 after ~5 years. it doesn't really bother me in ET since i have jump binded in it but in quake 3 (cpma) it's annoying
agree, that's one of the suckiest mouses I have tried, and I usually try them all
you work in a shop ? :D
I just spend too much money on PC stuff... I try to sell all the crappy mouses and mousepads to my friends afterwards :D
nice :D wanna buy a xfx 8800 GT? :D
naah, I'll buy some 9800 soon :)
come on :< u can sell it to your friends :D
yeah, but I need to make some profit, so... let's say I give u 20e for it!
:D! dont you have any dumb friends that wanna buy it for 250? \o/
u can get a new one cheaper even in finland :D
fuck :D i need a new one cuz this one is making terrible noice, and i got some fucked up edition of the card in which you cant change the fan speed :x so its @ 100 %
u don't have varranty on it :p ?
no, when i found out there was no way of changing it the 7 days rejecting thingy was over :< like in 7 days u can still send it back
how many of them you got or have tried?
ok I list all the mouses I have, had or tried (I will forgot many, and I won't list any wireless mouses because they are utter crap):
mx300,mx310,mx500,mx510,mx518,G5,razer db, razer pro 1.6, razer krauts, razer ch, razer da, habu, wmo 1.1, ime 3.0, ikari optical
to begin with :p
wow, what about mouse pads?
Not that much experience in there, I've basically only tested cloth pads like func 1030, razer speed, razer control, qpad lowsense, qpad ct 4mm and 1.5mm, ultimat breathe xl4, xtrac hybrid etc.
Also I bought an icemat, but didn't like it because it felt too small, so didn't really test it either..

but u should ask feuersturm, he has tried many more :)
or just read the guide he wrote (I'm too lazy to find a link to it though :p)
func1030 was plastic (and tiny) iirc? It was all the hype in quakeworld for some reason... I still have mine lying around

It came in a tin. A fucking tin. Now that's cool.
yeah, it was my first "pro" pad, and I was kinda high senser still then. I think it had a plastic coverage and there was the mousepad part which u could turn around. Its other side was smoother. I think it was rather rubber or something :o

dunno, sold mine away for a long time ago xD
heh same

went from func to qpad, on my second qpad now, thinking about trying one of the razer mantis pads as my sens seems to be gradually getting lower the more I play (playing less than 180/40cm is hell on qpad)
hah, I stopped lowering my sens 1.5 years ago and now I need 50cm for a 360 turn. Your sens sounds kinda difficult for any pad tbh :)
in Quake/CoD I use 360/40cm, because they are a lot faster games.
wow², you are fucking money waster after all what mouse do you think is the best for et after testing almost all avi gaming mice on market?
most things are expensive in Finland.. like my PC cost me almost 4000e 1.5 years ago :p

but as for mouses, I use ikari optical myself, but also razer db and razer pro 1.6 are very good. If u like more logitech shape, then u should pick mx518. That's about it.
how is ikari optical? it released in the end of last year so its quite a fresh new mouse on market
steelseries really put some effort on that mouse. You can read a review about it (I think Clown posted it somewhere here on xfire months ago) and in that review is also explained why laser mouses are so bad.
i have already read this review, i heard only one bad thing about ikari optical is you cant lower the mouse rate from thousand its like default there and impossible to decrease it, is that true?
for me it's running 500Hz, but the mouse doesn't have drivers and rate changers don't work
yes i know about no drivers, show me a pic from mouse_rate_dialoger.exe pl0x!
hmm, it was 500 before formatting, now it shows very strange values... mouserate.exe shows many thousand like average 3500 =D and mouse_timer gives peak a little over 1000

maybe I had some usb stuff that patched it down to 500 before formatting then
how would you compare mx518 and razer DA?
i've heard aiming with your fingers is better, right now im using my whole palm to hold my mx518, but i'd really like to know if maybe DA would be better for me, but i cba adjusting to new mouse when i cant be sure it will even help
DA is lighter mouse, so u could use it just with fingers. In the first revisions of DA only the highest DPI(1800) was functioning properly, and I don't know if that thing has been fixed with firmware updates or stuff like that. Personally I didn't like DA that much, because I like to use 400 dpi. And mx518 is a good mouse, so I wouldn't advise u to change it.
yeh, i use 400-450 dpi also (used the first rev. of mx518 for a while, now i have the second one with 1800 dpi and lowest 450dpi). I guess i won't change it
settings are fine, especially the m_pitch (i use the same :D )
The thing I don't get: a lot of ppl want to play with 400 dpi only and then buy a laser-mouse with 2000 dpi :\
maybe cuz the mouse is good o: the 2000 DPI is just an extra
Because 2000 dpi is useless for non-directx games.
500hz & 400 DPI

Quote by Razersupport
Why is it that when I make any changes in the Copperhead Configurator, the Enhanced Pointer Precision in Windows Control Panel is disabled?

This is a specific setting in the driver to turn off the Enhanced Pointer Precision, which is a much requested feature from most gamers.
dont even know what hz does :P? so if i go from 1000 to 500 wud that be better?

Mouse speed

The computer industry often measures mouse sensitivity in terms of counts per inch (CPI), commonly expressed less correctly as dots per inch (DPI) — the number of steps the mouse will report when it moves one inch. In early mice, this specification was called pulses per inch (ppi).[9] If the default mouse-tracking condition involves moving the pointer by one screen-pixel or dot on-screen per reported step, then the CPI does equate to DPI: dots of pointer motion per inch of mouse motion. The CPI or DPI as reported by manufacturers depends on how they make the mouse; the higher the CPI, the faster the pointer moves with mouse movement. However, software can adjust the mouse sensitivity, making the cursor move faster or slower than its DPI. Current software can change the speed of the pointer dynamically, taking into account the mouse's absolute speed and the movement from the last stop-point. Different software may name the settings "acceleration" or "speed" — referring respectively to "threshold" and "pointer precision".

For simple software, when the mouse starts to move, the software will count the number of "counts" received from the mouse and will move the pointer across the screen by that number of pixels (or multiplied by a factor f1=1,2,3). So, the pointer will move slowly on the screen, having a good precision. When the movement of the mouse reaches the value set for "threshold", the software will start to move the pointer more quickly; thus for each number n of counts received from the mouse, the pointer may move (f2 x n) pixels, where f2=2,3...10. Usually, the user can set the value of f2 by changing the "acceleration" setting.

Operating systems sometimes apply acceleration, referred to as "ballistics", to the motion reported by the mouse. For example, versions of Windows prior to Windows XP doubled reported values above a configurable threshold, and then optionally doubled them again above a second configurable threshold. These doublings applied separately in the X and Y directions, resulting in very nonlinear response. For example one can see how the things work in Microsoft Windows NT. Starting with Windows XP OS version of Microsoft and many OS versions for Apple Macintosh, computers use a smoother ballistics calculation that compensates for screen-resolution and has better linearity.

Polling Rate
It's the number of times the mouse sends reports to the computer every second.
Over USB it's normally 125Hz i.e. 125 times a second. Which means that there's a lag of 1/125th of a second or 8ms between the mouse and the system.

Razer's Polling Rate
Razer's mice sports higher polling rates of 500Hz or more. 500Hz would mean a 2ms lag - an obvious advantage in gaming.

Here's a good thing to read about your Habu:

But using a higher hertz doesn't mean that it's the best, if using 1000hz means you'll lose some movements by your mouse "lag".
Try to get it as stable as possible. Test it with this prog: http://files.filefront.com/dx+mouse+timer+dialogexe/;6313265;/fileinfo.html
1000 hz & 400dpi !
my first copperhead made some strange movements even though I didn't touch the mouse.. the 2nd one was slightly better but still crap

laser mouses predict the movement not really measure it... read the tutorial Clown posted about it on xfire (too lazy to find the link)
1000hz and 400dpi
500hz and 400dpi!
ask overdrive
Mouse: Razer Deathadder @ 450 dpi 500hz
Windows sensitivity: 6/11
Razer sensitivity: 10
In-game sensitivity: 3
Mousepad: Qpad CT 30x26cm
Resolution: ET: 800x600 @ 85Hz

800 x 600 is r_mode ?
do whatever you like and feels good

I play with 500Hz, 1600DPI + aeq mousesettings :)

QPAD CT 40cm = 450°
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