Dnevnoy dozor

Just warmed up some left over apple pie and had some fresh cream with it, quite tasty! Got some time before my southern fried chicken pieces are done, but when they're, I'll watch my new dvd rental, Day Watch.

image: day_watch_xl_03--film-B

It's the follow up to Night Watch, which I saw in the cinema, and also have on DVD, though Day Watch never came to the UK cinemas (or any English speaking country for that matter). Been looking forward to this for some time! What's everyone else doing this Friday afternoon?
w00t, i rly liked night watch, gonna dl this one :o
nice piec
studying physics atm
old movie
Considering the DVD was only released less than a month ago, and I pre-ordered it...It's not old at all, this is the first opportunity I could've watched it unless I spoke Russian!
watched the movie more as 2 years ago
btw: nochnoy dozor was much better as 2nd part: dnevnoy dozor
You're really into food/eating aren't you? :D
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