Boys and Girls [IMPORTANT]

hi boys and girls . few days ago i saw the advertisement of the rtcw cup so i started wondering couse im @ boarding school and the internet admin has put up a firewall witch prevents us to play ET / cod / quake and all online games but my friends can get through this firewall by playin on a proxy server but they r just playin wow witch i think is boring :< . but i cant couse i just have 999 lags every 3 seconds so i just installed rtcw and we were going 2 have a big lan init so i was wondering if any one of u would be so good 2 share ur config :)

or if u guys know how 2 fix this so i can play ET again plz tell me how :o
boarding schools
loekino u fat dingo! tell me how i can fixit Q'o'Q
ur gay send me ur rtcw config pl0x!
poor you :(
how to live without ET :s:s:s
play over hamachi?
thats just for lan's i play with hamatchi when im playin w3 but cba to lan in et :< just want 2 get online :<
wireless :o wtf :p im not playin on a laptop btw :o
i am not playing on a laptop too, and useig this program :)
how does it work :d
just instal it :)
and thats all, will be running every time u wil run ur pc:) for me its working, had same lag as u before:)
ye but my proplem is that there is a firewall blocking the port's of the games for example ET. so well whadda heck i will try it :) thx for the help meight
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