maybe it's because of the video editing. but isn't he supposed to receive some knockback from that jump?
another note: in walking in the air 2 it features a radarjump where everytime i try to simulate that jump i get hit by knockback and break my legs ingame, while the jumpers in the movie seemingly don't get this
I guess it was the editing then :D
Thanks for correcting me though. I was trying it just this minute with 125fps but didnt manage to make it over the wall, just on
ma ovo je bilo gotovo pred par mjeseci, krajem 07', samo je trebalo dodat tu i tam neki efekt i kompresirat, inace sto se filmica tice, ja sam odavno gotov s tim
nice movie btw
This comment is bullshit!
i am an avid jumper myself as well, not just in ET but also in quake 3 so i know more than just the basics, that's why im concerned towards some jumps
maybe it's because of the video editing. but isn't he supposed to receive some knockback from that jump?
another note: in walking in the air 2 it features a radarjump where everytime i try to simulate that jump i get hit by knockback and break my legs ingame, while the jumpers in the movie seemingly don't get this
about the other note, afaik they used TJ configs, so pmove_fixed 1 stopped this or something, not quite sure though, try it with nobody shooting if you wanna see me doing it. I was using 125 fps. (Failed a couple of times in the beginning tho :P)
Thanks for correcting me though. I was trying it just this minute with 125fps but didnt manage to make it over the wall, just on
Shame you couldnt even teach me how to jump supply east wall : D