#23 Online

#23 - Hook
Crossfire Department
#crossfiredepartment @ Quakenet
i dont get it
edit: ah now the picture loads
n1ish :)
Kinda funny.
LOOOOl nice as always :DDD
rshook :DDDD
not so funny somehow
lol i loved the punch line ^_^
rs hook :D
Funny, but it was pretty obvious where you were going to :)
Because of the title? :P
you must have been working alot with the pictures in the past weeks. to be precis, you have done 20 episodes in 2 weeks (starting at 16.3.). good job, keep it up!
You're right, i've used my spare-time, mostly at nights, to draw these comics. But it's paying off, i have over 2000 visitors (the counter isn't telling the whole truth) :)
in case you need/want another ftp, tell me. (about 100 mb and a subdomain for example: www.cfdepartement.gamerer.com)
Well thanks for the offer, but 110mb.com offers 5gb's of webspace :)
And i'm quite happy with .tk even though it adds that annoying ad in top of the page...
Hahahaa :D Somehow this reminds of senti...

And that rs hook thingy - lol :---D
another masterpiece :D
Genius =D
Keep em coming please! I really enjoy reading the comics <3
Not funny, imo you keep getting worse every episode.
Actually when you look above, you'll see more smilies and "haha's" than "epic fail" comments :(

So i guess it's s smaller group of people who just don't like these, maybe you're too depressed to enjoy small things in the world.

Wow, that's a pathetic attempt to look cool.

I don't like this one, I think you're episodes get worse and worse. Do you need to care? No. As you said, there are a lot of people that do like it so why act as a retard like you just did? Got some confidence problems?
Okay mister, i'm sorry.
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