uk people @ cod4 ps3

Hello, atm Im playing Cod 4 multiplayer on my ps3. 1 thing what suprised me it was that about 80 % people playing this game are from UK and have got english accent! I feel really strange :) But it gave me posibility to see how english people are funny :D They are talking 24/7 and laughting about anything, its really funny to listen . + 1 from me for friendly UKs!
hi2u, I'm writing this comment via my new 32GB iPhone.
iphone has 32 GB?
we're all lovely in the uk !

except me. im a cunt
made med lol'd
add me on psn : CooperBros
dont ask why the name
cod4 ps3 multiplayer full of noobs, piss easy specially in clan battles.
same for Halo 3, to much usa'ers ;x
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