1v1 lalala

Since my aim is incredibly bad, i want to pracc it somehow :XD
need some pals to play 1v1 now and maybe more often!
I have a server, /q GaRg` @ #st0ners
gl gargje ;)
i can! but im bad too :XD
1v1 will only make your aim better in certain situations, not in all ;p

better to play public or 3v3 imo
i always get owned in 3on3 :D
you should start playing with me then!
be on irc more then once a month then
wosch ez spile oder nöd?
u cant improve ur aim on most 1o1 maps.
better play public or wars
play real 1v1 games
hi garg :D
1v1 is fake +sprint all teh time and stuff;p
3on3 and publics

1on1 just makes you a retarded bodyshooter :p
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