
Guys i need help since im a total noob with computers.

what programs do i need to make an avi?

if some1 wants to introduce me a bit today it would be really kind.

peace. Impulz contact here or #uQuk

edit: can somebody join ventrilo with me and explain...?? pleaseeee
Impulz op de bust toer:P
nee ga eve mooie avi maken van mezelf
for starters you need a web browser. then go to a site called crossfire.nu and click on tutorials under the big advert banner
Sounds scary... need halp! :<
fraps + vdub
virtualdub, but first u need pictures that u want to put together to an avi.
just look @ the tutorials sections, there are more than 2 tuts to get it done
/record a demo
watch the demo
cl_avidemo 200 when you want to record action
Download virtual dub
Make an avi
Convert it with Megui
Watch the clip
kanker noob xD

uhh first ET..
Fraps / virtualdub
sony vegas
ja joh ik snap vrij weinig alleen ET + configs
the best way fro you is going to tutorials @ xfire and read, read ,read...
Download image.exe (search on CF)

TOggle with the settings untill you have what you like

Also use a moviecfg (quakycfg or so?)

Then when you want your final FPS to be 25 use /cl_avidemo in your demo and wait for it to finish

When its finished press F1 , close ET , open virtualdub , click on import media

Browse to your screenshots location , then select the first image

Set FPS to 25 , apply filters , use compression

Save as avi

i dont understand it all... :(
weet jij hoe het meot dan kom ik wel naar boven in die nkuq channel
uhm chizz6l weet da wel die heeft da paar keer gedaan
oke ik kom eraan zet alvast pass in je comment
Just use fraps.
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