back from holdidays

title says it all, so tell me what happened @ xfire during the last week pls:>
loekino was banned, dezire still banned, killerboy finally busted some guys
new banner everybody complains about, and not to forget the never ending retardness is still here
y was loekino`? how can killerboy bust some1?oO banner sucks idd
why Loekino got unbann3D while Dezire is still bann3D for two months?
you cant ban legends, but fanboys
rofl,true :D
tr00 dat :{
lol 2 months? what has he done? made a pic of sol with pedobear?
2 month ban for constant spamming despite more than enough warnings.
u rly bust someone? screenshot or it never happened!
wb nicon
ty jew Bl1nD
nC found some ways in pb to kick players with violation multihack, gamehack and aimbot. just pasting a textstring on messengers and/or websites -> bust³
pb denys it.
o: this "STCK *UPDATE* GAMEHACK explanation"?
so no red yawn if i try this?n1,brb
wth do you want to try it? retarded !!
every1 posted his pic with his gamehackkick so i want this ²:/
ah ok you like to get into the hale of retards , np do it
what was the reason?
:/ random ban
in which he is nearly every day:/
i was 1 week w/o xfire cuz of holidays, so maybe i can make him seeing this as a ban instead of now...but i guess hes too mean:<
not being banned yet could be a good sign:)
at least if killerboy stfu
u know about his newest so called bust? i missed it unfortunately
u must have been banned that time then i guess..
only diph & killerboy himself said he rly bust some1...i smell a lie
xd could be could be
his feeling fails
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