crouch jumping...

After i specced lepari (fanboi detected), i saw that hes using a different method to move, hes crouching in midair. Is one actually faster when moving like this?
Would like to know that.
What you mean maxpackets or
why different method to move? a lot of ppl actually do it..
it's about stamina conservation, we all do it :)

basically, when you hold sprint while in a jump, you move further/faster, but it also wastes stamina

when you hold sprint while crouched in a jump, you move further/faster but the stamina doesn't go down (infact, it increases for a short amount of time)

you can do more jumps @ longer for less sprint basically

takes a little bit to get used to if I remember correctly, but once you start you can't stop... I do it in q3 now too :E
you're so cool.
You don't move faster by holding sprint in the air, but since the altitude is increased you will probably move further/faster in the jump following the first jump.
the altitude isnt increased, because its not the legs that move up, but the head that moves down
No, crouching in midair without holding sprint gives you very little aircontrol but for some reason if you hold sprint you get much better aircontrol even though you are not actually consuming stamina.

The amount of aircontrol with crouch+sprint is very similar to what you get with no crouch + no sprint, but may be actually superior (I made some tests about it and posted a forum thread some time ago, but the method I used there is not very trustable :p )
and it change hitboxes.. (dno if still does)
lol i tried that in q3 too, but somehow i didn't notice any difference in speed
you dont have stamina in q3 :[]
Do you know if the aircontrol you get with crouch+sprnt is actually more than what you get with no crouch + no sprint? (i.e. the other possible method of saving stamina)
From my personal experience I'd say it gives you a liiiiiiittle more aircontrol but I don't have any conclusive proof :P
spec sqzz sometime!
cuz he made that technique popular
(i used it first but pssshhht)
i didn't learn it from anywhere...Just tried to jump and crouch so i noticed it's better.
? sry didnt understand 1 word
np :D now i understood^^
Just to see how crouchjumping really works :) He is g0dlike in crouchjumping..
its the same method we all use >_<
i do it too :P even if i m going out! i can strafejump in real life anyway.
i do the same...
never done anything else
It gives a stable feeling.
I prefer prone jumping.
i dont know what it does but its nice to crouch midair
It makes you more aerodynamic
Basically yes, it allows faster movement. When you strafejump, you use a small amount of stamina to 'launch', then release while in midair because, as is stated above, using stamina in midair doesn't make you move faster. You can then crouch, which extends the distance you're able to jump fractionally, so you go slightly further on the same stamina usage. Repeat again (hit stamina briefly just as you touch down until you jump again so your next bounce is also 'stamina-speed'), ad nauseum.
Also, holding sprint when crouching in midair makes you go faster (more aircontrol) even though you are not consuming stamina ;)
i prefer leanjumping
im more of a prone jumper myself
i do the same
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