what's wrong settings

What's wrong with that settings ?

razer mantis speed
1600 dpi
500 hz
ingame 1.7
no drivers
no accel
mouseaccelfix ( the raziel one )
mousesensitivity 10, mousespeed 0, mousethreshold1 0, mousethreshold2 0

I used to play with that one, change my hard disk and saved my register ( mouse ) , now it sucks . How could you explain that ? :(

Still have my old hard disk ( tried to save it again but same shit )

plsssssssssss :(
nothing wrong, its just your imagination
what should be wrong?
1600 dpi is "too" much cause everything above 800 is bugged in q3 engine
nothing wrong, its just your imagination
It is in your head, just play with it & get believe in yourself
seta b_placebo 1

Or it could be the new disk spinning at a different rate, thus emiting different noise frequencies. This can in turn affect your computer table by making it vibrate(in a very microscopic sense) in a different frequency. Now if this frequency dissonates with your mouse HZ, you'll most probably get a different feel of the game.
kinda high sens but everyone use what they use
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