Hi! ET heroes!


i am about to play some pub and I was wondering if i had to do a rs, is the pb kicking for random violations still a problem?
Shouldn't be a problem anymore. I never got kicked somehow.
no kicks anymore for this violation
Finally someone addresses me the right way!
I never got kicked for that shit, it's not a bug - all deserved kicks/bans!!!
I thought all QW players think ET is shit :O?
it is :D it's fun to own public though even though the game is redicilously boring :D
Ridiculously boring? You've played bf which is cs on huge maps :| at least ET has some action.
I agree BF2 sucked, I wish I played ET instead, but decisions were taken a long time ago. ETQWPRO > all
Too bad it came out too late, I can't imagine a lot of people buying it now (months after its release).
no your jacket is boring and ugly
Well, I also like ET more than ET:QW, nevertheless I play ET:QW sometimes.

To be honest I stopped doing so since there are no ETQWpro pubs available. ;)
Meh I meant ETQW players who've played bf or another game before (and not ET). I've only ever spoken to them who think ET is the shittiest game ever and ETQW is amazing compared to ET.
probably because there are vehicles involved that you can actually steer yourself
i love your xfire work :DDD
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