ET freezes :O

Well, as the title says i got some problems with my ET. It all started like 4 days ago, when my PC suddenly began to freeze while playing Et. Back then it was like once a day, but now I can't even play more than 20 minutes without a freeze, which makes my sound stuck and my PC isnt even responding, so that i have to reboot. Another strange thing is, that when my ET had frozen, I usually get a bluescreen when loging into windows. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with punkbuster (as usual). I changed pb_sleep variable and even tried a system recovery. It only happens while playing Et, since I tried other games, which run perfectly.

So my question is: Does anybody know how to fix it or got the same problem as me?


edit1: I scanned for trojans/viruses etc.,but none was found.
I had exactly the same thing like 2 years ago, it gave me like a 1 month procedure of checking every prog + every hardware part until i finally figured out the hdd was broken :\

so it _might be_ your hdd is broken, ofc there may be other things causing this, but i'm just trying to give some advice

edit: what's the chick's name on your profile?
I had it too a while ago, turned out to be ~15 trojan horses on my computer that were doing the trick. Try to scan for them, maybe it works for you too
how in hell can you get 15 trojans? :O
dunno, i did collect them in 2 years or something :D
*twiddle his thumbs* :]
pb dont cause bluescreens afaik :F
scan for trojans, spyware etc
such another killerboy comment
100 percent aggree!!!
if it works ok on non pb servers like ettv then its a pb prob relating to your graphic card.
I tried many ways of fixing it, nothing worked, but I got a new pc anyway so then problem solved........
I have it since I got a new pc! :<
öÖ lol that sucks....mine went away after new pc O_o, but only that.
if it freezes then you need to heat it!
uninstall it the game is dead :D:D
I have exactly the same problem! I need a solution as well!
i feel with you andre - got the same prob a few days now :<
the solution for everything

reinstall windows
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