
Is fail to be funny day......lets see witch legends miraculously return to the scene and the highskill teams that rise from the ashes.....zZz i say nn

I hope the day goes by fast.

image: decorationfail
i rise from asses
dont get it, am i a retard now?
Can I get kicked tomorrow for some game/multihack and turn around and say APRIL FOOLS? 8)
you are allready busted
haha this kid has such a happy face, too bad he had his ass beaten up right after the pic was taken.
I guess his ass was soo red, that even the paint couldnt cover it!
haha, idd. 8DD I think he will never be a painter anymore. D8
so we share our oppinion?
my mother has birthday on 1st april :)

need to buy something :/
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