Oh man, me being sad panda

Oh fu CF Community, it's such a shitty evening :p
I drunk 6 beers and i feel quite sad, being a sad panda is really the worst thing you can imagine :) Relationship can be either the best thing you will ever get or the hell on earth. DON'T Discuss, just read and feel with me :(
If not, care maybe?
read this once before this evening ^^
Quote by FirelordOh fu CF Community

ye insult us more!
This wasn't ment as an insult, rather showing my mood to the day... It's not like i wouldn't like all of you ^^ but today i gotta say, fu all and let me be sad panda :) no offence at all
i feel sad panda too.
<3 you girl
and why?

come on
come on what? i asked u a question?
nope just think
then gtfo if ur not man enough to say
because ur german?
nah, the comment was deleted.. i saw it already ... but my advice for that idiot (not u although i am repeating to ur comment): Schau mal in den Spiegel...bist auch nicht gerade das, was ich sexy nennen würde.
u make me smile old lady
and btw i didnt talk about being sexy, i talked about being ugly. there is a main difference ;)
and u make me feeling charity for ur low- flaming skills.

EDiT as u edited 2: Ye right, u didnt talk about being sexy, but i did. And even ugly ppl can be sexy (still i dont consider myself as ugly), but u are both .. ugly & unsexy.

To the rest of community: sorry for me flaming the FIRST TIME in my life, but that flaming shit gets old simply.
as if ive showed u my flame skillZ :)
ye go on being a retard, suits u fine.
now ur making me laugh. how was the adage? offense is the best defense ;) go ahead
Thx for ur advice, but rather listening to Reel Big Fish - Where have you been
Other kind of sad panda music :) it's nice tbh, but that's just pulling me down ;( need something where i can see that life's going on, even wold's shitting on you atm [/emo]
haha know this shit. just go to bed and sleep ! its the best thing u can do right now ;) if ur still a sad panda tomorrow go out and have fun :)
If u woluld know how i would wish to do so ;( came to sleep sunday morgning around 7.00 am, and u see what i am doing right now, just can't forget and this won't let me sleep... maybe it's kind of strange, but eatin nothing for about 30 hours and not feeling hungry is a certain sign of something being wrong ;)
i had the same for 2 days. just deflect ur mind and meet ur friends. it helped me alot!
Meeting with friends is a fine solution for the moment, but there are times you don't wanna talk to anyone and just get away. Being in this stadium sucks and talking to some good friends will help just for the moment
Trust me. meet with your friends. first u think it sucks, but after a week or sth. u will understand that. they just deflect you!
And what if like being your best friends also being you gf's best freinds? :) weird situatuion isn't is? especially after 3 years ;)
Its still better then emoing home ;) Anyway i wish u the best. im off now to sleep ;) U know my gf is in canada now and i had the same feelings like u ;) but it helped me to meet with my friends n stuff. i know its not the same as in ur case, but its still the same feeling of being lonely.
so im off now, do the same !
listening atm, good song :o/not very happy tho, i always listen 2 hippy music when need cheering up, i mean just look at them, so mashed
hippies- insta smile :) but not many people like their music unfortunetly :(
Yeah i know what you mean, but seriously if u ain't got no reason to smile anymore even those hippies won't create a smile on your face... I don't want to think about it any longer so i need something who let's me on the one hand think about my time in the past but on the other hand is cheering me up and let me think hey, world's going on, u know what i mean? :)
well tbh there is no instant cure for such state of mind anyway, seems something serious, well, just keep in mind that you do not need to prove yourself to anyone, other people reactions are overrated imho, if that has something to do with the sadpandanessnessness
think u got a point there... But feeling lost will feel better when u know that there is nothing you have done wrong ;(
u can try to do something creative, if u have such hobbies, sadpandaness = good inspiration fo me! :o
Uhhh this wouldn't be so good i guess ^^ I'm the man who doeas a lot of sports when being in such a situation :) but for the next time also this will be no solution :)
after 6 beers get drunk?
Read my comment to g1Ntje, my stomach is empty since about 30 hours and i'm not feeling hungry at all ;(
ah sorry mate
i wish you the best you can have!
it will all be fine!
Thank u mate :) I really hope so...
what's actually going on?
broke with your girlfriend? or?
She broke with me after 3 years of a wonderful relationship and future plans we made together... U know, this usual shit u hear on internet platforms when somebody is really really fucked up and just wants to get away. Breaking up after 3 years gets u down to the ground, i promise ;(
I know that feeling :x It sucks.. I suffered from that shit also, and its hell =(
Good to know that i'm not alone with my feelings... Being so hopeless lost creates a feeling of... uhm... what should i call this... maybe surrender? Not being able to go out, not being able to talk to others, just sitting in your room, crying like a little child and try to get over this is really the hell on earth...
ye... i know, but talking helps.
Maybe tomorrow i'll give it at try... finally feeling tired now, wish u all the best :) i'm off to bed now, thx and bye :)
I understand it, well, at least I can say: take care of yourself! crying isn't shamefull, it helps :)
Try to do as much things you like! But hej, it is hard to get over it, but you'll get over this! cheers.
Thx again dude :) hope u will be right, but at the moment no one could bring me to smile even if i wanted to... Maybe the whole thing is solved after a certain period of time, but who knows? The hope of being happier the next day is the only thing you candream of when you are in a stadium like me atm ;(
It is normally that you are thinking at the moment like that. In my opinion, it is like a near friend who dies (yes, maybe it is a little bit ... you know) .
But the first step is: you will not believe it
Second step is: you understand that something is wrong & you will not accept it
Third step: you are very sad because of what happened (you are in this stage)
Fourth step: you accept it and pick up your old life

Well, you are now in the hardest stage. the one which takes most of the time. I hope you will get soon over this stage, because it isn't fun for no one, not for you, not for your parents, friends, etc.

Maybe it sounds strange, but if I can do something for you, send me a pm and i'll answer as soon as I can!

By the way, maybe you can try to sleep a little bit. Drink a hot cup of milk with honey, get in your bed and think of some unforgettable memories with your girlfriend and try to sleep while you're crying. It will help you a lot, believe me.
I wouldn't have beliefed that there is anyone in the CF Community who is really caring about some problems mentioned here :p nice to read those things you actually said :) I think you are right with what you say, it's not the first time a girl broke up with me but this times it was something special :) I guess u know what i mean in saying that this was something my life depended on, she was the girl i used to be happy with, sharing feelings, future plans, actually whole life. I'm sure you are right in what you say, but taking all this advice into account is atm a hard thing to manage and still needs some time. The fresh wounds which are bleeding now have to be closed and after that returning to "normal life" will be the next step :) thx dude...
Read my comment to g1Ntje, btw hope that music was a joke ;)
yep was a joke :D

if your going to be a sad panda may aswell do it properly.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWR-jJ3v1pk&feature=related

try get some sleep and hopefully will be a bit better tomorrow =(
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