april fools stories

Hi folks!

tell me how u got owned today!
no jokes played with me so far, but i just got up 1 hour ago!
i`ll edit if i get owned :)

have a nice/funny day and don`t let u get owned to hard!

Edit: http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=journal&mode=item&id=54728
And I'm owning my clan instead. they believe hahah so fucking funny
im at work - no fun at all! :(
any idea to trick a bro? ;o
tell him his favourite game came out and send him to the next game store!
his fav game is wolfenstein et :>
maybe i could tell him to download rtcw II :/ but thats so old
a local indiefestival came out with some kickass bandbookings but it became obvious after a while :<
hehe i called my classmate and told him that our teacher is sick and that we dont have school he's at home now sleeping and im here at school and we only got school till 12:00 so like 35mins left =DDD
nice 1!°!!!! olol
my alarm-clock owned me this morning...cam too late to school...=_=
I told my parents I had a job
rofl :DDD
my parents would go mad if i said that
>.< i might try that one
My grandmother made me get up from bed - she told me my female friend has just come
and then u said "I dont have one" and they were all like "haha april 1st"
Quote I was in a similiar situation a while ago when I fell in love with my best friends sister, who at the time was only 11 years old.

But I went for it, asked her out to go see a movie and it went pretty well I have to say.

Just get some balls and ask her out, or you will regret it later if you did nothing!

Quote Dont worry, that was a while ago.
She's 12 now!

by Anonymous Avalanche
I was owned by my alarm-clock.. it didn't work and I overslept everything, now im sitting bored at home instead of school :S
Happened to me once as well 2 hours and 1/2 passed before i wake up and we were starting @ 7:30, but it was quite a random day
I woke up at 12am :S I'd need to drive 10km with a bus now, that takes 20 minutes and I'd be in school for about 15 minutes...

So it's rather pointless to go to school today^^ Anyways, how are you dude and whats the matter with these 2nd increased team?
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