First serious Journal today.

Are you playing with seta cg_drawSpreadScale ?

and if yes, which value ?
( an explaination of the single stages like 1, 2, -1, -2 would be great)

greez and a happy first april mine will be nice very soon too
I has put egz in my shoes dad >.> he waz upsed 1rst
avi or didn't happen.
I thought that when I open this "1st of April fools!"

and no I am not playing that enabled.
i like u x)h U R E N S O H N L U L Z ^ _ ^!!!!!!!!
First serious Journal today. (5 comments)
Posted by arClite on Tuesday 1st April 2008, 12:23

Are you playing with seta cg_drawSpreadScale ?

and if yes, which value ?
( an explaination of the single stages like 1, 2, -1, -2 would be great)

greez and a happy first april mine will be nice very soon too
seta cg_drawSpreadScale "1" Oo
cg_drawSpreadScale "0" ofc
useful if you are using prone
that's coz your newschool'r
didnt even realise it was a link :D
what is this command for?
Check my post underneath this one, I don't think I replied to your post :c
It's those lines at the left and the right of your screen showing how much your bullets spread out.

It sucks ''0'' ftw.
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