
the classic firewall journal:

1) i dont have a firewall, do i need one? my router says it has a firewall, but i dont rly trust it that it does anything. should i install a firewall or what?

2) if i need one, recommend me one which uses the least resources compared to the rest.

i dont really have any problems with my pc, but a irl friend of mine who had the same pc skill as me (low+) had a fucked up computer after 3 months of internetting without firewall
-,- so thats why im making this journal, i dont want my sweet pc to get hurt :<<<:


i have avg as an antivirus/antispyware
sygate is fine afaik
it'S overrated
Quotethe classic firewall journal:

its not classic? :(((
Well u have windows firewall still
get a hardwarefirewall
with the central isp in my country Greece you shouldnt mess with the router if you want to surf again
if you're not browsing any suspicious sites or downloading everything you see you should be okay without a firewall, just keep your antivirus up-to-date

atleast i haven't had any problems and i haven't had a software firewall in years
Router firewall is kinda okay, but if you're in need of a software firewall I can recommend Sygate :)
The firewall and the antivirus are useless if you gonna visit only xD
pm atemi
Get Comodo, ZoneAlarm is a piece of shit.
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