Who is wagn0r?

Any1 know this dude? He came to our forums today and posted that he will send PB_SS to PB now that it's his birthday. Kinda obvious he got none cauz my mate is clean and he would have published them earlier anyways. Just the question why does this prick we dont know hate some1 he does not rly know hate so personally that he checks our forums to get his bithday date?
If you cant tell me why he is beeing such a retard just tell me who he is :)

edit: Its SKS that explains the rest anyways.
aprils fool retard
19:02:14 | * [|SkS|wagnOr] ([email protected]): WagnOr
19:02:14 | * [|SkS|wagnOr] #4on4.et +#maxxhouse #team.impact #Force'Gaming #6on6.et #2on2.et @#kuraigu #3on3.et #Liga4Fun @#sks-et +#team-ger.et @#loekino #crossfire #gamestv.org #morbiuz +#a.Toon @#carecafe +#proplay
19:02:14 | * [|SkS|wagnOr] *.quakenet.org :QuakeNet IRC Server
19:02:14 | * [|SkS|wagnOr] is authed as WagnOr01
19:02:14 | * [|SkS|wagnOr] idle 00:04:06, Online since: Fri Mar 28 12:45:42
19:02:14 | * [|SkS|wagnOr] End of WHOIS list.

Quakenet told me!
we are not your personal detective service
Quotejust tell me who he is :)

who he is :)
he's a player of SkS
and a little bit retarded...


they've got a forfeit... we contacted them but they simply ignored us and whined @ admin.
it s just ridiculous
we only saw them once in a cup and that made him trace my mate, get his bithday and then he tries to fear him with pb_ss cauz he actually thinks he got something to hide. This dude is srsly bored!
we agreed to delay the match and we didnt talk for a week. during that time i did not complain to to the esl nor whined. a week later i read on esl that we won against you and lost against mpg, without playing a match or talking to esl admins. i really dont understand what ur talking about.

who cares
ugly journal imo
ok ... then i m sorry
definitely no llier
just try again next time
lol bei dir fehlt auch etwas oder?
jemand der von keinem gewollt wird/wurde und versucht sich über die gleiche fake IP wie kenta einzuschleichen haben hier nix verloren.
1.4.08 O_O

i never registered at a forum, neither looked up birthsdays :XD

lies! you do this all day and all night, i know for sure!
Ich war gerade auf eurer Homepage.. btw nice Page. Hab mal nach wagn0r gesucht im forum und tatsächlich nen thread gefunden. Sieht mir eher danach aus als wollte jemand von euch gr0ss nen Aprilscherz gönnen :P
nice fake, aber pbss die älter als 3 Wochen sind kann man nichtmehr verwenden.
es ist jedenfalls authentisch.
nimms nicht so hart. war nen lustiger tag dank deinem doppelgänger. und das mit den topfschnitten tut mir leid aber das war so aufdringlich auf euren pics :S
sks ownagebitch!
image: wagnertief01
it's zeh wagn0r.
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