Your opinion of usenext

does anyone use "UseNeXT". a friend at college says he uses it, downloads movies and stuff in a flash. but is it worth the £5 a month?
it costs money!
No idea.
got a mates user id and pass for sth similar...and yea, it comes down at max speed, and yea its worth it imo.
Its worth it if you use it alot...
i think its worth it.
u can dl many movies, and going to the cinema costs the same, but u only can watch 1 movie there^^
I would not pay for the direct download of warez. you never can be sure which information they log and what they do with it (you pay them which provides your real name / country / residence).

it is used for warez, isn't it? and if not, why would anyone pay for free software. there are plenty of fast free servers for this stuff.
sukz i guess
hehe...hi2u2...long see :D
not bad, repost your et.exe problem pl0x!

but @ forum thread for more posts & better halp.

already done that...and they gave me some ideas
im still thinking at something to fix this...but im too lazy to try all the possible things...ill make some tests :D
i know but repost it pl0x!

c'mon dont be lazy biatch.
tomorrow :D
rapdishare > * 30 euro for 6 months.
ive got it, the speeds are amazing, if you dont mind paying a little a month you can get like 90gb of download a month for less than 8 dollars and get what you want in no time.

UseNeXT > anything else
which one do you use ?
i use this one talk to meez he knows alot about it
cheers twicky
not worth spending money. if you really wanna spend money for it, get a rapidshare premium acc.
usenext even used to belong to a lawyer (who earned money for sueing ppl which downloaded stuff etc in the past) and some ppl have problems with terminating the contract as i heard. at least i wouldn't really trust them.
i guess you mean usenet. it's way better than any private bt tracker or rapidshare account. Some ISPs (like mine) give access to this network for free. I download movies, tv show, softwares, etc. @ 2MB/sec.
btw usenext sucks afaik. you'd better try giganews or newshosting
Same here, my provider gives me a free 100GB a month to download, on full speed ofcourse (1,5MB/s) with 30 days 'retention?', because of that 30 days max, I got a paid usenet acc (8 euro's a month) which gives me 120 days, and btw while typing this im asking myself why im replying @ yo ^^

edit: giganews is fucking nice @ 200 days :|
if you download 20dvds / 10 cd's / 5 games a month its defenitely worth the 5$ a month ofcourse!
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