good morning?

this the the second day without school for me because of the NATO summit that's taking place here in Bucharest.
image: _44531364_palaceap226body
And there is so much security in the city right now...and people doing nothing here
At some moment the mobile phone wasnt working because of some security transmissions

But..hey,how's your morning? :D
Lucky you! Im in work :(
Morning, Just woke up & Signed up my football team to tournament :-))), Now drinkking coffee<3
When does the random sex start? I know u put advertisement all around the city, on posters 0900-call-biitti, then they come to your home, have sex, write in your guestbook, you backe them an omelet, then you pay them 10 euro's and they do a funny dance, and leave.
:D:D:D: ROfllfasfmsdh¨jmk,.
Please, if u even feel obliged replying to my comment, do it in such a way, im able to understand what your even trying to say! I love the smell of retard in the morning.
Im busy kidnapping jews right now.
Did you rape them yet?
no, I dont rape them.. Sell in ebay
Hmm get the jew-jews with the crazy hair and the little hats, they are worth far more then those wnb jews! i think i would pay as much as 5 euro for a jew-jew!
someone called "woody" offered 20 000€ for little jew 12 years old one, is it you? :O
Haha i got 3 already, so no, they are currently builing a sauna, then when im done, they will break it off and build a barbeque on the same spot and make me some nice sausages, and then i let them walk hot coles while they are meditation, see if it works!
:DD okies, just pm me if you need jews
Currently trying some pakistani's they are very much into doing everyting u ask! They wantz me to pay when they can have sex with my ferrets! :/ Well uhm i said okay, but for everytime, u serve me for 10 years as a slave. Well if their small dicks are happy this way..
=DDDDD rofl
I need them :O
Give it to him, he has 41 moneyz!
lol'd :X
Edit: I should start kidnapping jews too so i can get some money then :O
Sooooo true, but in italy are only fake jews, maybe take some sicilian gangsters, and get them to baby sit, so u can make a business!
Nah, I'll kidnap niggas and send them to america, do they still need them?
maybe if u paint them white, and give them irish accent!
Ahh, but painting costs :<
im listening United States of America Testament, drinking some coffee and i will soon go for a smoke :) sun is shining, summer is coming fast. perfect day here in Finland :)
yea :) got day off from work, and tomorrow day off too :)) so basically im starting my weekend here!
Congratulations ^.^ Hope you have a nice weekend :D
thx, hoping same for you too! :)
i just woke up without a reason and im still sleepy as hell so im now gonna throw my laptop off of my bed again and try and catch some more sleep and around12 i will be going to school to fix some enrollment problem for next week's exams. apart from all that it appears to be a nice day from what i just saw outside so perhaps some football outside and its thursday so partytime tonight >_<
Is it morning yet ? :o
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