tell me what you think!

Who want a RASTAFARI Flag Like the sweden flag Sweden
you know.. so tell me
[] JAH!!
[] NO!!

random rastafari pic:
image: pic1a
[] CARE!!
[x] JAH!!

+ an franconian flag!!1
[x] JAH!!
[x] JAH!!
just gtfo.
[x] JA---CARE
[----|---------------------------------] Care-O-Meter
Made some flags...

image: rasta1fn2

image: rasta2dx1

image: rasta3fl7

image: flagofethiopia2copyms5

Dno about the order of the colours. German wikipedia says the colours are those of the Ethiopian flag, but reversed. So the 3rd/4th flag would be correct. But somewhere else I read that the order doesn't matter, as long as the colours red, yellow and green appear. Can anybody confirm this?
the 4th is perfect..
xfire do it cmon!!
decide on a flag 1st... :l
Weed flagz or die in smoke!
rastafari <3
Oh jah is our crew!
FLAGS 4tw!!!!
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