overrated shit noobs

edit for XPAZ
easy for kirwa!

well deserved

no jan no win
kirwat dominating
we won LoL.
oh please.
i thought fins know irony :<
Actually I didn't mean it like that :P. I was more like lolling at the fact that we won.
sure sure.
i wont believe you!
lucky there was no jan
hb shouldn't have let kkk play sd... would have been kinda different outcome... kkk isn't in shape as a team (yet)
all 3 maps favoured us sw_gold, sd and bremen are all maps with multistages and quite aim heavy
still, u have surely the most experienced supply players.. On the other hand hb are kinda good at gr, and anything could have happened in bremen
no train no win !
well played from HB.. didn´t thoguth that we would even do a decider since we dont pracc and played bad at some random cups :o.. and as i heard radar was well played by HB too..
and decider was rly close.

so gg :)
warum hast du nicht gespielt ?
freundin wollte umbedingt kommen.. dann meinte ich na ich kann ned.. blabla rum gestresst etc :x
snoop joined highbot 2 days ago to move forward to impact tonight before highbots game??
hummel has disconnected
Highbot not ec worthy imo
i think highbot did really well =) all 3 maps were very close, radar being the small exception

going to be nice to see questionable KKK and highbot fight it out for top3
sofar i know hb didnt evan prac at all :s
Shame i didnt get to spec this ;D
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