Weekend again

Morning Crossfire, how are you doing? I had to wake up at 7am because i just woke up for some reason. I heard distant beeping while lying in bed - my dad was trying to log in to my old computer, i accidentally password-protected it, so i had to get up and unlock the thing for him.

Yesterday i found out that i need to work here for another 4 days, this isn't real job - just a practice-thing for unemployeed people, like me. Man how I'd want to have real job and big money. But i'm glad i have something to do, bumming around all days long is really boring.

Today I will totally clean up and re-arrange my room, at the moment i have two computers in there and i need to get rid of the old one, toss it into some other room. I hate it when I run out of space. My new computer is just lovely, so fast! Unfortunately some of you were right, i bought sucky gfx-card, my fps in ET didn't raise that much, but the game works so much better anyway.

But the weekend is ahead of us, share your plans!

Well I woke up @ 7am too to go for work.
In the buss I got a call from my boss who sayd "sorry but we can enter a cruise ship @ 12.00". I was like fuck and went back home for some public. I dont think I will go to work today because going for 3h work is just LOL.

Though I need to go in hospital for tests. :(

At weekend I will propably be playing ET, COD4, Warsow or NWN2. Maybe take few beers with friends and play more :P.


Aren't you afraid that you might get fired for not going to work, even if it's only for 3 hours :P?
No im not. They are too lazy to get new and ofcourse I will call them and say that I will not come for 3h. They understand it coz it is worthless. :(. I will maybe go work tommorow with +50% pay
Haha nice job you got there, one day you just call that you won't come to work and the next day you'll go and get +50% raise :D
saturday ;)
i couldnt sleep... happens to me every time :/
hahaha no its not that ;)
Just not tired when i should be and the other way around :p
Your internal clock is f-cked up pal. You should go to bed early tonight and force yourself to sleep.
i did that twice alrdy, but keep fcking up :)
Damn I have exactly the same :<
Im still deciding if i should go to uni today :< im a bit sick.. and i don't know how i will feeling during the morning soo :\ Anyway i should really go to university since i need to talk with a tacher to get some important papers :\
woke up at 7
have job interview at 10
have performance with my band in a local club at 22

sums up my day -.-
Good luck for your interview. What's your band called and what kind of music you play?
thx ^^

Our band's name is Periculum, and we do a combination of progressive metal and deathmetal :>
What is your part in the band? Growl or play some instrument :D ?

edit: Also, do you have some kind of masks like most of the deathmetal-band :P ? Or just long hair and mean looks!
Heh, I play the drums (even though I can do grunts and screams), I write the lyrics and I also compose many attributes of our songs. Sometimes I even sing parts ^^.

And btw, we're more to the progressive side (so that's not just screaming and grunting like a retard n shizz), but more like dream-theater, but then heavier. I'm glad I met the artists I'm currently in the band with, since they are capable of doing progressive beats, something which is rather rare. It's true, I do have long hair, and so does our rhythm guitar-player, but our solo-guitarplayer, bass-player and singer all have halflong hair (surferhair). We do walk in black though (although we already had one day in white xD). But yeh, to sum it up, we make music which involves at least a bit of brain, not just... noise ^^
OK it's nice that you keep your music in sane level. I really don't understand deathmetal, mostly because of the growling which is basically most retarded singing style i've ever heard :D no offense.

Anyway, are you still "cellar-band" or do you have any contracts done with record-labels, any tracks released ?
cellar-band, since we only recently started :)

We will probably (actually nearly surely) not grow any bigger / get a record-label, since 1st of all we aren't yet skilled enough (all teenagers n stuff), 2nd of all we don't have time for it, 3rd of all our musicgenre is really hard to get into.

I will continue in the music industry though (it will even be my education if everything goes as planned, rockacademy) :>
Yeah you shouldn't go to commercial-level with your music. I did that and tbh i didn't enjoy it. Glad i stopped, it's just all about money and money and money. And i hate when music & money get too close to each other. I don't make music for money, i make it because i love it.

But anyway, good luck with your band and your school and your interview yet again!
heh thx ^^

what music did / do u make?
Electronic dance music mostly, trance / house. I still do make music, but much less than i used to. I also make ambient music.
Oi, that's nice, what programs u use? When I'm doing that music (I used to do it for 6 months or so actively) I prefer to use Cubase, not that crappy Fruityloops ^^
Renoise, a tracker. Don't know if you've ever heard of those but they're really oldschool-tools :) I started with music @ 1999, with tracker called Fasttracker 2.
nop, dno it, looks tight though :>
cmon you are gonna play at local old people's home. dont lie

Have fun with the cleaning <o/
I should do it 2 but i'm way too lazy :p
Thanks i will! I don't know why but i really enjoy cleaning and re-arranging stuff. No i'm not gay though! I'm just perfectionist and I like to keep things in precise order :)
cleaning and organizing makes u feel like ur doing something useful! :P
Could someone tell me what's the best way to get rid of F-Secure Anti-virus? It's installed in one the computers here and it's making it work SO slow. I'm gonna replace it with AVG but i just don't know how to uninstall it properly.
OK thanks! I'm too lazy to google atm :P
woke up @ 5 am and tomorrow 4 am :)
getting drunk as fuck or sit at home and play computer games
hey thats my life gTfo
hmm fukk that sounds familiar
havent slept mate.

pix of your room when you've done.
im liking you more and more increasingly
morningz! ;p
has to go to Finland Lapua for today night and whole saturday and sunday, last part of swimming-teacher education. it's boring but then I can go to keep swimming school @ summer and as long as none of the kids drowns, I basically get money for doing nothing xD
you could make money by putting ads on cfd site :D
here its weekend since wednesday
Is there ad about cheap flights to Loekino's Love Island? I'd love to have a banner like that.
the only way to get to the island is with a boat;
the planes make to much noise and we cant enjoy our bbq's(bbq is the national sport here)
maybe one day u will make a comic about us :1
image: 6arlf8kye0
Hi Moor,

play some ET:QW if u got a new & fast PC ! :D
I don't like the way it looks :I So messy! And i don't like alien-like creatures either, nazis ftw!
but we could play together <3

and i am used to play with Finland Fins meanwhile :D
Well i can try it out though, we'll see!
Had no college for awhile so mainly been chilling with my girlfriend and I can't get drunk or get stoned because of my medication that I'm on lol. Says 'DO NOT TAKE ALCOHOL ANY TYPE OF DRUG OR MEDICATION WHILE TAKING THESE PILLS'.

It's my girlfriends 18TH BDAY 2moz and I can't fucking drink or get leaned up!!! Now how shit is that lol :(:(:(, but hey shexy chuck norris was on TV earlier!!!!!!!

And this weekend will consist of Party, no alcohol (so shit party), ET, working on things, not so much wanking :P.
You're ruining her birthday tbfh :D NO SEX @ 18TH BIRTHDAY? That's every girls nightmare, watch out as she might go for secret lover!
I never said anything about NO SEX lol :D I'm up for that I don't care bout anything else but sex ohhhh must be !!!! one one!!!!
Okies :D hf!
Woke up early coz I have stomach ache for 4 days in a row, went to doctor yesterday and they dont know whas wrong in me :l
Going to my GF this week-end 150 miles away. But she's worth it :)

Will have to clean my car both inside and outside aswell :(
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