New mappools

Last night I played some 3on3 wars with my buddies and we noticed how fast the games become boring on the over and over played maps like supply, b4 etc. The map pools are older than grandma. Are new refreshments bad? Or aren't any other good maps left?
never played bremen in 3v3, could be interesting.
ice is very nice too, beach is nice if you have some tax.
Ice and beach are nice but people aren't so happy about playing them. All they ask is supply and supply and supply. I'm really getting tired of it.
Ice and beach are awesome, somehow I despise Bremen. Can't stand it.
Id have the opposite opinion too you
Please extend your opinion. Why do you like Bremen, and hate those?
Reactor is niceeee.
Afair beach is really nice in 3o3.
I never liked ice though, either in 3o3 or 6o6 ...
we could start play de_dust :D
CS noob spotted oO ;).
yea...thinking to go back to cs-css or another game
et its almost over for me :<
Try Crysis. Looks pretty nice in single player. Haven't tried multiplayer though.
dont bother :x
actually there is de_dust port to ET and as I've played with few friends @ ET - it was liek CS with speedhack, unbalanced and absolutely boring ;(
just play @ KOS, it is not boring!!!!
KOS is kinda dead :). If you want something like it try There are nice ppl also.
KOS = ?
A romanian pub where we used to have fun.
Still have to start mapping when I have time, but everytime I have something else to do. Maybe this weekend I'll work on it :)
New edition of special delivery is coming out soon (hopefully)
TY Snake <3
I thought map creators quited or sthing like that. I'm glad they didn't.
dno, eiM is working on another project and i switched to another game :|

Oh well, maybe ill work a day on it :p
just need your latest file... dont have the .map , only the .bsp ... i'll invite you into our channel these days :D i just finished my other map project =)
still working on it =)
Nicenicenice :P
Why don't people play Reactor anymore ? I thought it was fun map. But the biggest question is that why don't you play Oasis anymore ? One of the best maps ever!
I so fucking completely totally agree with you :O

but yeh, newskoolers don't understand that the oldskool maps > all, most won't even play Radar :S
If it where after me I'd try to also reinsert fueldump in the circuit (maybe not the original version). I think that's a great map.

fueldump is a nice pubmap, but not for war imo :<
The last defense stage is very good imo. There can be done some nice crossfire from the axis. Maybe im just nostalgic but I remember some cool matches on fueldump (or thats how they looked like at that time :) ).
kinda true, but tbh it needs many adjustments
+1 oasis. I have the same question, but only about 6v6. In 3v3 this map isn't quite good.
Of course in 6v6, one of the few maps that's almost completely about teamwork.
oh trust me, in 3v3 it's also pwnage, u just need good tax

I have tax to cover the whole map (ask any1 who played oasis with me ^^)
reactor: the last stage is too chaotic
oasis: too easy to defend
that's not my opinion, iirc those are the reasons they aren't used in competition anymore
That's why sw_oasis was invented from my knowledge.
Running for more than 40seconds to come to the obj.
You can plant if you played very well (good teamwork what most of the clans don't have)
You got killed , they can defuse and you can't defend your obj because you have to run another 40seconds till you are there.
Btw, for Axis it's pretty easy to defend
Almost fullhold imo
sw_railgun plz.
hohoh that would be great
railgun > all tbh :D

best 3v3 maps
I think all maps need to be taken off. Only radar and sw_gr should stay, other maps just replace. Would be totally different EC OC. Clans would really need to practice.
would be fun fo sho :D
Just play less supply , remove B4 its totaly a crapmap and make some new one :D

Oh and , add crevasse , it was a nice map !

For 6o6 just add oasis , remove B4 aswell and crevasse ! I liked this map ^^ + add ET_ice , ET_beach and village :). Should be a lil bit less boring
tc_base :)
sos_secretweapon & sw_oasis_te > *

special delivery is a nice map but works better on smaller games like 5on5 :/
i don't know why no one likes wolken
Never had a chance to play it :(
3o3 it sucked hard
6o6 would be possible,could give it a chance
et village.. or maybe not.. would have loads of highskill0r corner campers >:(

You could possibly make new versions of the boring maps.. like braundorf_b5 and Frostbite_2 etc.. Just making some map alterations to actually make a clan need tactics/crossfires etc.
mh i might be interest in running some 3v3 cups in the near future (not next week due to jobtasks...).

wolken crevasse karsiah_te2 and maybe reactor / sottevast / or vengeance_te (cant remember the exact spelling) for the mappool imo ;D

gimme your feedback about those ;!
wolken +
crevasse +
karsiah -
reactor +/-
sottevast +
vengeance, dont know that map :p
I loved warbell!
everytime we try to play something else our enemy disconnects
true, all them geek newskoolers dno what they're missing ^^
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