Windows + Dualcore boot problem

Since I bought my Dualcore 1 year ago, I got everytime, some weeks after the re-install of windows, problems with booting. I just see this windows booting screen for hours and every 2 minutes the progressbar just stucks and after another 2 minutes start working again. Everything what helped back in the past was rebooting and then it worked corectly again.

It must be my Dualcore/Mainboard, since I changed everything around it allready.

I also tried 3 different windows (Home, Professional, and now a "Gamers" Edtion. And also updated bios

I didnt cared at all back in the past, but now I need to reboot 3-8 times before it actually starts. I think its may related to the AMD Dualcore Optimizer, but without it some games arent working correctly.

Someone got a solution?
Thx in advance
"gamers" edition
i will laugh on the way to the toilet.

"GAMERS" Edtion is a windows which is specially tuned for gaming, so you dont have unnecessary network services in the background of your pc.
N0W U R PR0G4M3R f05H0
You are seriously retarded, better look for journals with the right content for your brain. Since I guess you wont find anyone make a journal with the title "Bees are yellow, Niggers are black".
What's so funny? It's great for people with bad hardware :l
Retarded people are always happy as soon as they dont understand something.
So he is obviously the whole day happy.
im just not so lazy tweak iso myself
You could try using msconfig to turn off programs on start up.
Could aslo add /numproc 2 to your boot line.

Are you sure u flashed the correct bios software to ur chip? :E

Edit, You can also try windows recovery console (put the disc in as-if ur gonna format, and just select repair windows instead of install) enter ur admin password (if ur thinking i didnt set an admin pass, just press enter) then fix the boot path and master boot record (type fixboot & fixmbr).
ye i had this problem before, so I tried a new bios but didnt helped.

what will /numproc 2 do?

and my windows starts with nearly no programms on startup
also my boot.ini is clean :'/
/numproc 2 forces windows to use both cores upon boot.
makes sense
i got it since ages and formated like ages in the past year because after the re-install of windows its works again for like 2 weeks ^^
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