Anger management_

OMFG nearly after killing this cunt at a traffic lights.. went through 2 roundabouts and this cunt behind me kept fuckin beeping and beeping and wavin his arms around when I done fuck all wrong, so pulled up to a traffic lights further down the road jumped outta the car jumped up on his bonnet and started jumpin all over it then got down of there and punched in his side window all he kept saying was "ill call the guards ill call the guards" the guards being the police.

Just snapped like what a cunt he wont be doin that again.

Anyone any similar stories?
u are some dangerous dude : D
Haha you are so nice!
dont drink and drive.
almost happened yesterday.
i cant understand how ppl can have their licences if they dont have a clue about driving, and they are the reason of all the accidents xD.
lol! did the police come?
I once lost my nerves for drivers who don´t give room for bicycles when they should to. 5-6 crossovers in a row, I always had to stop because of those idiots, on the last one I just crashed the car. Didn´t have much speed. but I made sure that his sidemirror and door took some damage from my elbow and foot.
just hit the top of the car with your flat hand, it will sound to the driver like some alien aircraft just crashed into his car, but the car didnt take any damage...

but if you're really pissed of, then hit them :D
and you just got your license :p
Methods of Mayhem-Anger Management ftw
I'm more than surprised at u young man, u are usually so calm, at least in vent anyway.

Told u to stay off the Guiness...
fucking irish loonies :D remind me to stay on your happy bunny side
aww well im too young so far but one day me and my friend were walking down an alley and he thought it would be funny to block the car by walking slowly in the middle so it dumped him so he turned around and started hitting the car.

and the guy said Hey i'm part of the northern canstabualy(Bad spelling) and my coleges are just around the corner. so he starts shouting go fucking get them too then. swearing and shit for a while then he goes away he turns to me and says whats the northern canstabualy. I replied the police and his face was just priceless :DDDD
Thats one of the cutest spelling mistakes I've ever seen xD
:P yer well it's good been cute you know girls and all :d
One time I was crossing a sidestreet and the guy was waiting on me to drive by and when I did he rammed the back of mah bike and I fell pretty hard, he got out of the car and was like pissed and I snapped... seriously wtf you drive over street make eye contact and then he drives in the back of your bike and gets out and is like all pissed.. Dont need to brag about what I did tho... :P
Yes, one day some friends pissed me off so I went home and started cutting myself.
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