
how freaky shit are you googling?
lookin' for porn ?
ping -t
egoquitter >:
i'll tell you if you tell me what you looked for : O
it must be gayporn ... ar u a homo? I think u ar ;) pmme....
1. google for "learning to be a hacker"
2. learn
3. practice
4. be the first one to haxx0riz3 google
YOU seriously are a fuckin retard. i am not kidding. better GTFO and use yahoo!

THE actual reason for the flame is:
you got a list of flash games in your profile. one of them is called "bubbles" - i thought it might be the classic bubbles game and clicked the link. why the hell do you call such a stupid game bubbles, you fuckin moron!! i hope google busts your ass!

this post was powered by velerion's random flame night crew.
what about to flood ur mom
In need of CP it seems.
mmm delicious cp
porn is rand0m
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