bye bye stratovarius

11 years too late =) nevertheless, BB

discuss, rock/metal fans
fuckin gay band!
never liked them, too gay :D
its power metal, so gayness is mandatory

still, 3 million albums sold =)
Still, Timo Tolkki is a fucking dumbass and Stratovarius might be the worst band in a shitty genre, EVER
i don't really like Stratovarius, but i know alot of people that do.

it's a shame to see them break up.
Stratovarius is as gay you can get.
Gay stuff, sounds like something waki would cry over, I heard he likes his powah metal ;)
never liked them much, and old news tbh. Tolkki does better music by himself, its better without Kotipeltos "kick me in the nuts and i scream like a bitch" voice.
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