
People should know this if they diden't yet:
its rly worth to watch it all!
looks interesting
go for it, rly nice movie tbh
2 long 2 watch :S
looking at your flag i guess you should rly invest those two hours of your life.
maybe but not today :8 have to meet friends later...
rl > me :/
he seemd like a wnb anti-christ guy to me (only bcuz of the flag olol), so this film could provide him some good argumentation about the topic.
If you would invest 2 hours of your life researching "argumentation" of this movie, especially about 1st part of it... it's a cattle excrement so to say.

This coming from wnb-anti christ guy.

I mean seriously, you watch some wnb-conspiracy-theory bs movie on the internets and feel like you've seen THE TRUTH.

Sorry but LOL.

These zeitgeist journals are really annoying, as youtube ones.
well i never pretended to know the ultimate truth, neither that this movie is providing it, and i think every human being who calims so is defintely wrong.
I also disagree on some points of the movie, still its has some nice sequences that are surely worth to watch, if one belvies it or not later on is a different thing.
And to be honest i dont give a shit if this journal was annoying for you :)
Ye, the maker of this movie is making some stuff up, but that doesn't matter, he's a nice guy in ventrilo so some sequence should be really credible!!!
LOL, even a 5 year old kid can use google and destroy most of the bullshit that movie claims.

but still it's a good movie to watch, opens your eyes lil bit but still it just as bullshit as some other propaganda films.

and if you liked it watch the ENDGAME too.
I like the movie
it looks like a documentary ?
idd nice movie
best faaking m00vy/dockumantaaary evaar
each week a eye-opener journal of this kind

is this part of the 2% of FUZZ comments that is not sarcastic?
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